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Superior Soy vs Ecosoya Advanced...

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Hey guys!!

I am new & still testing different waxs to see which one I like the best. I have it narrowed down(I think!) to Superior Soy or Ecosoya Advanced. I was wondering if anybody who has worked with either of these waxes could give me a pro/con list? What I have found is the SS wax has wonderful scent throw hot & cold but there are problems with frosting & wet spots--I have poured at different temps. The Ecosoya Advanced is pouring a beautiful candle! But the scent throw is not nearly as strong as I would like. I have tried pouring both with identical FO & dye & still cannot get the Ecosoya to throw as strong as the SS. I am using the container blends.Have others run into the same problems?

Thanks, Anne

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I use the Advanced and also have a few throw issues. However...I do have some Fos that throw well in my tins. I haven't used any other soy waxes so I don't really have anything to compare to. I am receiving a sample tomorrow of Millenium wax.

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I have used the Advanced for quite some time now. The only issue I have is the wet spots. I've never had a frosting problem at all. I really don't have too much of an issue w/throw either. I am now testing a couple of others at this time, but the ADV is still very consistent for me.

I have never tried the SS, but wouldn't mind testing it just to see.

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