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Another Wax Question

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Ok, so I have been researching soy/parrifin blend waxes for days. The 6006 sounds pretty good, but looks like alot of people are having problems wicking it. I found something called Crafter's Choice Wax SP on WSP, and it sounds really good based on all the reviews there, but Ive never even heard of it. Anyone use this? Im also reading up on Green Leafs new 70/30 blend, and it seems like people are liking it alot, but it also seems like they are having a really hard time keeping it in stock. :embarasse Cant someone just tell me a perfect blended wax that is 1 pour, has great hot/cold throw, and isnt a booger to wick? LOLOLOL!

Also, I think I would be in a perfect world if I could find a blended wax that I can use not only for my containers, but for tarts and votives as well.

Yes, I know I am asking for alot, :laugh2:I dont really mean to be such a pain. Any advice would be great, as I have always used J223 and am wanting to go with soy now, without having all the soy problems, so blended is looking like the way to go. TIA to everyone that takes the time to respond! :D

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I use J50, but you could always make your own blend. Mix J223 with soy wax and then you control the amount of soy and aren't buying a supplier's proprietary blend that may be discontinued at any time. Just a thought. :o

Also, Just Scent has a one-pour blend that has gotten pretty good reviews.

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