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Marketing in a saturated area


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How do you all deal with this issue?

There are a bunch of candle makers in my area and it is increasingly difficult to market to people who have SO many choices.

I already stress the soy waxes I use supporting agriculture. I have candles in shops and I sell on the internet. I have done fund raisers but have yet to see any real repeat sales from them, which was the goal. I have done parties but they are an awful lot of work for the return in most cases.

What else is there?

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I dont know if I can help or not, but I will try by giving a few suggestions.

Try being totally different.....if everyone uses "basic" containers try using non-traditional ones.

Try having different lines of products for different events, etc. (I saw the sexy line of candles in the gallery, so not my original idea)

Use scents that arent aways available.......different/odd.

Make sure when you do a fundraiser to put a flyer in the bags giving your information so they can reorder. I am also putting a 10% off next order coupon on the flyer I am doing for a 5th grade class in the area, hoping that will help.

I am out of ideas, but I hope one of them will help you. Dont give up!!

Pam in Upper Michigan

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I have to agree that the single most important thing to focus on would be to offer something different than everyone else is offering. You need to have a good feel for what is out there. I have never paid much attention to the philosophy of "giving people what they want", because people do not know what they want if they haven't seen it! Give them something NEW!:yay:

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