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on this recipe... did this one on mms site

it may seem weird i know, but its what i hve on hand.. ran through calculator but not sure if lye seems right??

apricot kernal oil 3.9 oz

castor oil 1.95 oz

cocoa butter 6.00oz

coconut oul 9.8

olive oil 15.7

sweet almond oil 1.85 oz

total weight 39.2oz

water calulated 10 to 15 oz

lye 5.49to5.32

the one i did on sooz site says 6.8 oz water and2.24 lye??? now i am a little confused

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Latch, I just took your recipe and figured it at 2.5# batch and played with the numbers. For a 2.5# batch with no water discount, I get 15.2 oz. of water and 5.44 oz lye. This batch is going to be a really soft batch and take a long time to cure. It's almost like a castile. Do you have any crisco or lard?

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Okay...little late now but...I must have been tired last night but...I read that you got the

water calulated 10 to 15 oz

lye 5.49to5.32

from the sooz calc and you got the

water calculated 6.8

lye at 2.24 oz at MMS

That's why I punched in the numbers at MMS...didn't do sooz. Not sure about the recipe though...I'm not good at what looks right and what doesn't...when I used to make soap...I just used what I wanted to use, ran through calc and made the batch. sorry couldn't have been more help.:(

Anyway, still doesn't seem right about the 6.8 oz of water and the 2.24 oz of lye...'cause that seems more for a one pound batch..not the 39 + oz you have.

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I think what happened at the sooz calc was you needed to change you batch to pounds in weight..not use ounces in weight. I did it both ways and when I punched in 39.2 weight in ounces, it came out to the 6.8 water/2.24 oz lye...but when I calculated the 39.2 into pounds (2.45)..I got this:

14.9 oz water

5.52 oz lye

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When you go to soapcalc, change the batch size to 39.2oz. It is preset at 1lb. If you enter your recipe and calculate 1lb the lye is 2.24 and water 6.08. When you change it to ounces and enter 39.2 the calculation changes to 5.512 lye and just about 15 oz of water. That was the problem. Make sure to change the batch size at sooz.

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LOL...I must be having brain farts like crazy the last couple days....blaming it on PMS..anyway, Carrie's right...when I punched in the 39.2 ounces of weight in oils, I didn't left it in pounds (which is automatically at 1 pound)...sorry for all the confusion.

I think I need to stop trying to help anybody for the next couple days...after PMS has passed.:P

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oh well, i messed that all up, was a little impatient and went ahead and did the recipe with the smaller amount of water and lye, well, i came up with something... dosent smell to nice and my son said it looks like square blocks of dog poop! the recipe i was trying had oatmeal and honey additives, well they turned the batch poop brown.... and it did only make 1 pound and was pretty soft like fudge... good experience though... ready to try another one , i think after that experience, i will do an easy one with crisco..

heres it what it looked like.. almost like fudge.. has an aroma of burnt honey and oatmeal mixed with oatmeal milk and honey FO.


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