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? for wickless candle makers

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I have had one going for over 70 hours so far and it's still going strong. You can have them on all day if you want. I have turned mine on at 9:00 and turned it off at 4:30 with no problems. Let it cool before you move it though cuz it will get hot.

how long will your wickless last using it daily like that? may I ask what kind of wax you use?

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I use either J50 or 4630A (Harmony Blend). Usually the J50 - I bought a couple of slabs of the harmony to use for containers but found it smoked too much for my liking. So to use it up, I'm using it in wickless and tarts, which is good because of the high fragrance capacity.

As for how long it will last, about 2+ weeks of constant use at 8 hours a day. That is using the Ball Platinum Elite Jars (pkg says they are 8oz jars, but I can only get about 5-1/2 oz in it).

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