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Fragrance Load with New Mown Hay


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I really am trying to make this scent work with my wax because my friend loves it.

I am using 3022 as wax (70 soy 30 paraffin). I am using the New Mown Hay from Sweetcakes at

7.5%. I heated to 185 and pured around 180.

My glass is 3 inch diameter straight sided glass.

The problem I am having is all the wicks I have tried are drowning and not putting off a good hot throw at all. I have used CD12, CDN12,CDN14,CD and CDN 16, CD 18 and CDN18 and just tried tonight a Premier 780.

I am at a loss of why the drowning wicks.  I have also tried using my 3022 and mixing it with 30% 4694, to make it a firmer wax. And I am still having the problems.

Also with this fragrance I noticed that around the wick there looked like a little dark brown coloring to the wax. I have never seen that before with any other fragrance. Any ideas??

Any suggestions on wick size or something else I should do??

Thanks for you help!!

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I really am trying to make this scent work with my wax because my friend loves it.

I am using 3022 as wax (70 soy 30 paraffin). I am using the New Mown Hay from Sweetcakes at

7.5%. I heated to 185 and pured around 180.

My glass is 3 inch diameter straight sided glass.

The problem I am having is all the wicks I have tried are drowning and not putting off a good hot throw at all. I have used CD12, CDN12,CDN14,CD and CDN 16, CD 18 and CDN18 and just tried tonight a Premier 780.

I am at a loss of why the drowning wicks.  I have also tried using my 3022 and mixing it with 30% 4694, to make it a firmer wax. And I am still having the problems.

Also with this fragrance I noticed that around the wick there looked like a little dark brown coloring to the wax. I have never seen that before with any other fragrance. Any ideas??

Any suggestions on wick size or something else I should do??

Thanks for you help!!


I get this same pool around by leather and sandalwood fragrance.  I had to drop the FO from %6 to 4% and wick up from a CDN8 to a CDN 14/16.


I think it's a woody component to the blend.


How are you going with it?

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