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Soap mishap- need help


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:undecided I made my first MP shea soap. I liked it ok but my friend said her bar fell apart in the shower- leaving a big ol mess everywhere and that it also felt like it made her body Waxy-feeling! My bar from the same batch didn't do that though. All I added was a tiny bit of FO. What went wrong here? It was from the scent shack. Thanks in advance for your replies!

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I have not had much experience with M&P but the soap may have become saturated with water from being in the shower could be the answer why her bar made a mess and yours didn't. Soap any soap will get soft and mushy when it soaks up water or is sitting in standing water.

As for the waxy feeling, we each have different skin types and different reactions to ingredients. One bar of soap to someone is fantastic where as you give that bar to someone else and they have a different opinion. I made a batch of the greatest soap I made ( in my opinion) gave it to someone and without going into detail they picked it apart and found no good to it at all.

Don't let this one person discourage you :)

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