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Statement on labels


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What warmer people use will not be your responsibility. Unless, as Vicky mentions, you will be selling warmers. I have gone back and forth with Scentsy Legal over this and await a response. Consultants say this but NONE of my Scentsy warmers packaging says it and it is nowhere on their website. If it is true, it must be stated and visible for customers.


My warning label does say to use in wax warmers designed for warming wax melts/tarts, do not eat, do not add water nor heat above 190 degrees and keep away from children and pets.


My insurance is pursuant to my melts only since I do not sell warmers of any kind so my warning label just deals with my one product.

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Guest OldGlory

Like Vicky, I've read this a few times and am still a bit bewildered by the thought of being responsible for something someone bought from somewhere else.

How would Scentsy know if you used their scent bars? My gut feeling is that it's just a veiled threat to keep people buying their products. If I were to sell a tart/melt to someone and they said "My scentsy rep said using your melt in their warmer would void their warranty" I would simply ask them how scentsy would know whose melt you used. And it's not like they would have to have a proof of purchase of the scentsy tart because it's entirely possible that people get them as gifts. Personally, it makes me question the quality of the warmer in the first place.

I am not going to worry about the stuff other people make and sell. There are way too many variables. Just be sure you are covered for your own products.

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You are only responsible for your product not theirs. I sold warmer I got from OBI, if one malfunctioned with in 6 month of purchase I replaced it but I did not have to even do that legally because I did not make the burners. The only thing legally I had to do was take it back with in 30 days. The burners I sold did not have a warrantee. I did it as good customer service. 


I agree with OldGlory here their reps are using that as a scare tactic to get people to buy only their melts. Reps are know for a making a lot of claims that are not true they also are not held accountable for their statements. Which they should be.

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You are only responsible for your product not theirs. I sold warmer I got from OBI, if one malfunctioned with in 6 month of purchase I replaced it but I did not have to even do that legally because I did not make the burners. The only thing legally I had to do was take it back with in 30 days. The burners I sold did not have a warrantee. I did it as good customer service. 


I agree with OldGlory here their reps are using that as a scare tactic to get people to buy only their melts. Reps are know for a making a lot of claims that are not true they also are not held accountable for their statements. Which they should be.

I guess I was thinking what if something happened to the warmer while they were using my tart?  Their warranty would be voided so would they come after me for a replacement? 

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Well, I spoke with their headquarters a few months ago. I understand why they say it, I just want to see it in writing.


There was a house fire that was a complete loss. The investigation lead to a Scentsy warmer being declared as the cause of the fire. Further investigation was able to prove that the homeowner had used something other than Scentsy's wax in the warmer and whatever that was caused the fire. I know that people can not be smart when it comes to things like this. Did they put lamp oil that they dropped a few drops of EO in and placed the warmer too close to a gas stove? Perhaps or something similar. So, since they test their own wax in their own warmers, this is now their policy. I would do the same thing if I were them. My objection is that it is not (unless they have changed it since my emails) a policy that is visible for consumers to see.

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