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Click and Ship problems?


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Am I the only one having problems with click and ship? I tried to do a label and pay Saturday and the whole website was different. I used to be able to just fill in the blanks and it would go to another page where you select the box you're using and then pay and print. Since Saturday, the option of choosing your box is gone and you can't go any further than a certain point. I tried my neighbor's computer and the one at work as well and same thing.

Anyone else having a problem?


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I'll go back and give that a try. It worked so slick before. Took about three whole minutes to ship a package. They should listen to that old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" I think the problem is before the insurance option though, not sure. It just won't let you select your size box. It's like it gets stuck there. Of course I called and sat on hold for an hour and then hung up and left an email, but no answer to that yet either. Bummed.

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If been having trouble with it too! Figured out the value thing, but then I like to never could get to where I could checkout... it kept telling me there was an error - try refreshing... which didn't work. Very frustrated with the changes at this point.

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I solved my click and ship problem by downloading and using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer and it worked just fine like it always has. There is a notice about IE at the top of the site and using a higher verison, but I was so that shouldn't have been a factor. When I want to use it now I get out of IE and launch Firefox. Go figure, but whatever works I guess.


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