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Advice regarding using Windows interface for Mac in order to purchase and use Soapmak


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I am looking to buy the following software: - SoapMaker from http://www.soapmaker.ca, however the program is only compatible for MS Windows.

Does anyone have any experience using the following Window to Mac interface software programs?

I also just bought and downloaded a PDF editor and have only now just realised that it's only compatible for Windows too! Silly me! Ugh!

- Bootcamp

- VMWare Fusion

- Parallels

I am hoping someone can help. I'm desperate. I really need to edit some of my fragrance labels and add new fragrance cards for the markets next week. They are in PDF format my graphic designer friend is on leave. I can't afford Adobe Professional and thought I was onto a winner with this PDF editor which cost $50.00AUD. However, have now just discovered as mentioned above that it's for Window only.

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I was in an Apple store last weekend picking up my new iPad and noticed they had Windows 8 installed and being used on a Mac. Not sure if it is an app you can download or if it is software you buy then install, was pretty neat.

I do not know how Apple works as everything I have is PC except for the iPad.

Sorry I'm not much help, I would check with your local Apple store, if it's close enough to visit and talk with them. Otherwise I would call their tech support line.

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