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Trying to reduce the number of FOs..


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Not so simple, I suppose!

While I'm working for this christmas I am thinking how to organize thing for the next year, since this time I plan to really get into candlemaking as my first employment and source of income.

It happens (I know I'm not the only one!) that I have a lot of FOs. Too many.

But I love them all.

But I have to do it.

First, because I live in Italy, and I supply all the scents from Peaks.

Then, because with less FOs it's easier to carry a business, I could make candles and stock them, while if I offer too many choices to customer I can't.

I would like to know how the ones of you who did narrow down the number of FOs managed it.

I can't go by customers preferencers because I don't have a solid customer base yet. I mainly work on requests and everyone is asking just the classics, as vanilla, chocolate and not really more.

Thanks in advance

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maybe you could just wait a bit more to see what your growing customer base likes and what they order. You could mainly offer those scents you have enough of in stock and see what the bestsellers are. Then you can better chose whick ones to keep and which ones to get rid off.

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Thanks Inez, seeing what customers do it's an idea but I wanted to sort out thing before adding online sales.

Since I worked on requests and nobody asked for anything different than vanilla and chocolate they really don't know how many fragrances I have.

I will be in a craft fair next weekend and I prepared many different scents, so I will see what people do when they smell them.


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