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Inventory at shows question


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Hello all,

I know part of this question has been asked before and I have read every post about it here, yes I was having withdrawals while the board was down yesterday.

When doing markets and craft fairs I do an inventory before I go and print and bring the sheets with me. We alphabetize them and sort by jar sizes a page for each size. My problem is someone asks say do you have an 8 oz in this scent I have to go searching the paper. Is there an easier way? How do you all keep track of your inventory at shows? When I sell something I cross it off. I was thinking of a tablet with an excel sheet on it. Does anyone know if you can search the excel sheet for something, I am excel challenged. I was thinking if I had a spread sheet I could search it then either highlight it or delete it so I could keep track of inventory.

On another note has anyone used soapmaker for just candles?

Sorry so long,

Karen in MA

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Short answer: Ctrl+f is a shortcut to the 'find' function in many programs. It's super handy and I use it a ton, even for web browsers to find keywords on a page.

If you are spreadsheet challenged you may simply want to try sorting your paper sheets differently. Maybe just by name so that all types and sizes are together. If you don't have the 8oz you could quickly see if you have the 10oz or 12oz available right there on the fly. Offer a small discount on the upsell to make the sale and capture the customer?

I'm a tech head so anytime I can use tech to help me sort, calculate and track I'm in! :whoohoo:

I use a lot of Google docs and spreadsheets that I can access from anywhere which works well for me.

It's good to keep an eye out for ideas and learn how others operate but ultimately you've gotta make your solution fast and easy for you to use or it will cause more frustration than it's worth.

Good luck and happy crafting!

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