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C3 Users - Have you noticed a change in the wax??

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I have been using C3 for over 6 years and pretty much know all it's quirks but recently...within the last 6 cases or so, I've been getting frosting after the candles setup...usually within 8-10 hours. It shows up on the bottom of the jar and then creeps up the sides a little. It's not like I've never gotten frosting before but usually it shows up after months or when the candle has been warmed and cooled. It doesn't happen in all jars done within the pour and I can't pin it down to an FO or Dye. I'm using the same additives (uv usa) but tried it without just to be sure it wasn't those. Also tried without dye and while it's hard to see it still happens. Now understand the pouring temp and process has not changed at all. So I tried warming the jars, pouring cooler, hotter, covering the jars with a box...nothing is working and I'm starting to think there was a change in the formula. I did notice some of the flakes in some cases seemed to be more "pillar like". I have two lot numbers I've been using....L3B07 and L3F18....If anyone has those lots numbers can you comment on your results?

Would appreciate if you could check your cases and let me know. I would love to go without dye but have some customers that want dyed so I am educating them on frost. I'd still like to solve the mystery though......just so weird it happens to some jars and not others...


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