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Wasted ingredients...can lotion be saved?


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I'm hoping somebody can help me out here with a quick-fix of a terrible mess I've got in the kitchen right now. I just got a recipe from a friend for a "home-made goat milk lotion" and it sounded soooooo simple that i just had to try it. Problem is, after almost 2 hours whipping & blending, I've still got a MILK consistency and it's extremely greasy feeling. GRRRRR! I shoulda known better than to do this once I saw the ingredients.

Here's what I used (per her swearing to me that this would work):

2 T. Soy Wax (strongly suspect this caused the greasy feel)

2 T. Olive Oil

2 T. Coconut Oil

3 T. Canola Oil

1 T. Vit E Oil

1 cup warm goat milk

"smidgen" of FO

Ok, while you're laughing over the ingredient list, here's the instructions:

Melt soy wax & coconut oil. Remove from heat & add other oils. Slowly blend in warm goat milk. Add FO as mixture thickens. Beat until thick & cool. Put into a container/containers & refrigerate. Use within 7 days (because there's no preservative in the recipe).

Sooooo....can anyone tell me what the problem is? I'm no lotion maker (obviously, lol), so I can't tell what caused everything to go wrong. Can this be saved at this point??? I've just can't bear the thought of wasting all of my precious goat milk!! (I doubled the recipe, so even MORE is at stake).:cry2:

Is there anything I can add, to firm this up? I've only got basic soaping ingredients on hand because that's normally all I do...soap. Should I just toss it all out and write this down as something to *not* do again in the future??

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Oh my, that would explain everything!! No wonder it won't stay mixed & won't thicken up right. I sure don't have any e-wax and can't tell ya how much I appreciate your generosity in offering to send me some! What a terrific community this is! :grin2:

But I really wouldn't feel right taking your supplies just to make up for me not checking the recipe before I jumped in. kwim? I'd feel like such a bum, lol. Where's a good source for getting e-wax? I might as well get some on it's way, because if I can get this to turn out, I know I'll be needing more in the future. I just LOVE goat milk b & b stuff!! Won't soap without it, and hopefully I'll have meself some yummy lotion with it too! MMMMMMmmm :D

Thank you, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it & maybe some day I can return the favor!

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Michelle, I think you'll find that there are many who would love to help you by sending some e-wax - there's no need to buy a pound when all you need is a few grams. I'd be happy to send some too! Purple Lilac sent me a little care package of lotion supplies when I was starting out on it, and it was such a HUGE blessing!

If you are bound and determined to buy some, I would recommend www.thesage.com, as well as a number of other places, depending on where you live.

But seriously, think about taking up the offer of a little e-wax from one of us who stocks it - the shipping on just the e-wax stinks!

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