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Wax Density Question?

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Hi All! I haven't been on the board much, I've been testing alot and finally happy with how my candles burn and smell after about a year and 1/2! Just when I was getting comfortable...along comes a problem I and hope someone knows what happened? I've always used a presto and then recently invested in a direct heater (been saving for 6 months for it). In the past I weighed my 4627 comfort blend wax while it was solid, then melted in the presto then poured. I've always gotten 10 candles plus a dixi cup extra from 4 pounds of wax. Today I tried the direct heater for the first time and it was kind of wacky! With one scent combo I had two full dixi cups extra instead of one. Then even more baffling with one of my scent/wax combo's I only got 9 candles from 4 pounds of wax instead of the 10, which has never happened. I thought I had made a mistake so I started again (and made sure my scale was correct by weighing everything with another scale, too) and again I only got 9 instead of 10 candles! Did I scorch the wax or burn it somehow making it denser? Does this mean my candles will now burn differently and I need to retest? So confused and stressed out!!:confused::confused::confused:

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Weight won't change through the process but volume does change. Do you pour your candles based on volume or weight? I pour mine by volume rather than weight (the candles always have a greater weight that I advertise so none are short). In your case, the weight you start with should be the same as when all the candles of that batch are weighed. So, yes, volume can be different. The heating method (I'm guessing) shouldn't matter but maybe you have a different lot of wax or it is the interaction of the wax and FO.

Another explanation is that some of the wax is not making it out of your new heater, is that possible?

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Many thanks for your help, after a sleepness night last night with visions of retesting nine scents and trying to work it out all day my husband was the hero in finding out my tare button was broken! (I'm really embarrased i didn't catch this earlier!) i'm just glad i don't have to do all the retesting! Which i would have done because the direct heater is heaven on earth, i highly recommend one!

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