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First Candles Mid-burn

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Hi everyone,

This is an update from my first post but I couldn't figure out how to attach pics in a reply so I had to start a new thread...

Below are two sets of photos at the candle's midway point. I'm using 464, pumpkin souffle FO (candle science), and orange dye. I heated wax to 190, added dye, let cool to about 180 and added FO, let cool to 160 and poured into jj that were preheated.

Main question is about the white stripe that appears seemingly randomly on the side. Sometimes when the candle cools I get the line on the side and other times I don't. I experimented with causes and am not finding anything that would make it happen consistently. Help? Ideas?

The throw seems to be diminishing slightly, but I might just be getting used to the smell. I don't know.

I kinda like the look of the top after it cools but am open to opinions.

Would appreciate any other feedback you have.





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Thanks for your feedback RJ. All four of the pictures are of the same candle. The pictures of it burning were taken after it had been going for two hours, just before blowing it out.

So, I'm new to this. To clarify, are you saying frosting can form after you begin burning the candle and not just during the initial setup?

Thank you!

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Looks like the wick is too big and the melt pool is getting too deep. The white strip is frosting, which is unpredictable at best. Try going down a wick size. It won't necessarily eliminate the white stripe, that's fairly common, but it will increase your burn time and help ensure the fragrance won't fade as you burn it.

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Thank you for the feedback. Will definitely try a smaller wick to see if that helps with the pooling. (FYI: The wick I used in the picture is an ECO 10).

I haven't seen any guidelines on how deep the pooling should be. Any suggestions? 1/4 inch? 1/8 inch?

Thanks, again!

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