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Experimental FO blend


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I need your help!

I had a fragrance blend theory that I can't test...

Blend: equal parts Coconut + Tomato Leaf = ?

Anyone want to try it!? I had this blend thought up a little over a minute ago AND It smells amazing (in my head)...but I can't test it out as I don't have either FO on hand. This is a little unorthodox but I figured I post to the forum for some assist; Preferably someone with a nose and the two FOs mentioned above... Anyone care to Q-tip test this and post their results? I'd be interested in your findings and opinion. PM if you'd be willing to go out of your way to test this little ditty for me. Thanks in advance.

BTW, does that blend sound wacky or what!?

Edited by rctfavr3
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  • 2 weeks later...
The blend would probably work best if it were two parts Coconut to one part Tomato Leaf -- if you try it.

Tyler . . . You'd be better off if you tried to ignore those voices in your head. I mixed up a bit of your "invention".

My wife is still mad at me for asking her; "Smell this!"

Phweeew !!! Oils were from BCN. Maybe that didn't help any.


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HAHA. Yeah. Interesting. I was actually wanting an "Off Color" scent. Something a bit unpleasant to add to a pumpkin FO to make it more realistic or unique.

I have to make my Pumpkin FO more interesting. I was thinking the sideways chemical slant coconut offers paired with the peppery green smell of tomato leaf would impart a funky note -- perfect for adding more flair to my pumpkin FO. So it's smells like Phewww! Uh!? LOL.

On another note; Both of these scents COULD theoretically be found in oceanic fragrances as coconut would provide a sweet tropical accent...and tomato leaf providing a brown algae like accord. I was really interested in seeing how these played off of one another, but I THINK they might need some assist from other fragrances. Oh well. LOL. If all else fails...I'll have a great novelty FO.

Edited by rctfavr3
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