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It's the WEEKEND!!!

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And ugh! What a way to start it!! We got woke up at 4 this morning to my youngest son vomiting in our bed! Poor thing was so miserable. Got him cleaned up, checked out the 4 +/- inches of snow we got last night, and then went back to sleep on the couch for a while. DH couldn't get to work this morning, and there was no school, so we are waiting for him to get home from the post office with my supplies. First I am going to rewick my 3022 candle, then make a paraffin container, and I'm going to pour tarts in 3 or so different paraffin blends, make some fire starters, and maybe try my first marble soap. I never get to pour on the weekends, we are always soooo busy. So although I'm not happy my little one is sick, I am thankful we will get to spend some time at home, and I get to work on my blend!!! My goal is to have at least 4 scents tested and ready by the first of March. He's back, I better get to work!!! What is everyone else up to this weekend??

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Hope your son feels better soon- sounds like a rough morning so far. Good luck on your blend and projects this weekend- hope it all goes well!

Just helping at my son's confirmation retreat, and will try to pour some tester wax melts, maybe order a few more oils (as if I really need more at this point, but I can't seem to help myself! will likely order from genwax, AH and maybe SC, as I got a $25 gift cert from there for xmas from my SIL) Have a wonderful weekend- enjoy the snow- we had the cold this morning (-13 this morning- Brrrrr!)

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I'm ordering a few fo's from Genwax because I just have to try their Juicy Bits of Orange, so will order a few others to make it worth the shipping. I'll let you all know how I like them after I get them in wax. The only supplier I can pick up from is Sweetcakes, still pay MN tax, but no shipping, a couple of others are 3-4 hours away, a little harder to justify the drive....

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