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Poling interest in a customer BBB of sorts.


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OK, found a reviewer who made reference to some "drama", lol. That would be an understatement.

There were people commenting about being on the "blackball list" that aren't even on it! Maybe there's more than one list, lol

Also saw complaints about addresses on the list; I saw no addresses. ??

Such drama! :)

I guess they just want to be included. It's kind of sad. See what liars they are?

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I guess they just want to be included. It's kind of sad. See what liars they are?

Actually, the person I read said that said he/she politely declined the private invitation to be in the blackball group.... is on the blacklist and wants his/her name removed.

In a very small part of what was said........"I was privately invited to your blackball group and I politely declined your invitation, so I suppose that got my name on the list again". At the end he/she asks for his/her name to be removed.

I saw a YT vid today where the person had two melts and a scoopable that she said you sent her to be reviewed.

I'm wondering if its not time to shut this particular drama down on our forum. The more its talked about, the longer it will go on and the more problems it creates and solves nothing. JMHO

Edited by jeanie353
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I agree with Jeanie. Drama thrives on more drama. The longer you keep it going the more you give them what they want. Nothing shuts a drama queen down faster than to not react to her antics. In any event, I'd hate to see this relatively calm forum get sucked into this mess.

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Actually, the person I read said that said he/she politely declined the private invitation to be in the blackball group.... is on the blacklist and wants his/her name removed.

In a very small part of what was said........"I was privately invited to your blackball group and I politely declined your invitation, so I suppose that got my name on the list again". At the end he/she asks for his/her name to be removed.

I saw a YT vid today where the person had two melts and a scoopable that she said you sent her to be reviewed.

I'm wondering if its not time to shut this particular drama down on our forum. The more its talked about, the longer it will go on and the more problems it creates and solves nothing. JMHO

I have no idea what you're talking about. What Beth and I am referring to is someone did a review, claimed she's on the blog list of names along with her address. Neither are. No ones name was added because they refused an invite (which they we're not invited) it's a blog? and no ones name is coming off, more lies to cover up and confuse people to excuse what they did to a child. I'm done.

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I'm talking about these words:

I guess they just want to be included. It's kind of sad. See what liars they are?
My reference to what someone else was saying out there was to let you know at least some really truly don't want to be included. I don't think that person was lying. Its my opinion but from all that was expained, I just don't think so.

Also, if you remember a post of yours you bashed those who test wax melts given to them as free. Unless the woman on the YT video is lying, you gave her FREE melts to do a review on.

ETA: And while I'm remembering posts....I have a DIL who babysits 5 days a week....think you know where I'm going with this.

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I'm talking about these words:

My reference to what someone else was saying out there was to let you know at least some really truly don't want to be included. I don't think that person was lying. Its my opinion but from all that was expained, I just don't think so.

Also, if you remember a post of yours you bashed those who test wax melts given to them as free. Unless the woman on the YT video is lying, you gave her FREE melts to do a review on.

ETA: And while I'm remembering posts....I have a DIL who babysits 5 days a week....think you know where I'm going with this.

Ok,..let just STOP feeding them this stuff,..ITS WHAT THEY WANT!. The problem here is some of you are getting confused. I AM THE ONE WHO SENT TARTS TO THESE LADIES TO REVIEW MONTHS AGO. NOT Missywick. They are upset that Missywick jumped on my ship to help me KNOWING THE FACTS (I shared with her my Paypal transactions with dates) they are saying in their video's that they didnt get packages for 3 weeks, blah blah, I DONT CARE what they say or bash me about in their videos) if they are leaving kids alone they can trash me and say whatever the h$ll they want too, let them make their videos and have their fun. We get our "BLESSINGS" from others who condemn us. Anyways, knowing the facts and seeing the proof herself, Missywick knows the lying and the bashing these women in this wax review group is doing. Missywick (AS VICKY ALREADY VERIFIED IN THE OFFTOPIC SECTION) IS a different person then I. Missywick is being hated for creating the blog that had their names PUBLICALLY on the front of their ALREADY PUBLIC facebook group.

I hope this helps with the confusion.

ETA: Missywick never gave or sold these ladies wax, I did and that all ended during the Thanksgiving holiday. All Missywick has done is created a blog and shared their names that THEY THEMSELVES shared on the Facebooks PUBLIC group page.

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Missywick, GUESS WHAT! That group is thinking that you or I are some new vendor. OMG! Can you see the slander charge coming against them. I know I would go to court for another vendor to prove I am not them and I know you would too! YIKES! Those ladies don't know when to stop do they!! They are just simple women, and most slander cases come about from business' getting slandered by people like this trashing them,..this would win a slander case in a heartbeat! I am glad their names are out there and they are making these videos for the WORLD TO SEE and their comments about innocent vendors.

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Who is the new vendor they are trashing? Does the vendor know? This is like a soap opera!

I dont know if this vendor does know ( I bet she doesnt) and she is being slandered big time! I was Pm'ed a video review on her. Its a Happy Hippy Scents it says in the video her name is Hope. I seen that name before on Facebook but dont know of her to well because I think she is new.

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Thanks Leisa, Oh this is so sad for the vendor, I have no idea why people are so horrible to do this! It is wax!! It doesn't even rate as a first world problem!!!smh!!!

I agree! It kinda makes me wonder now if they have done this sorta thing to other vendors and we just haven't heard about it. Its crazy! Those ladies are digging deeper holes for themselves. Like I said, this is a CLEAR CASE of Slander, so if anyone else isn't sure just what slander exactly is,.. its slandering a companies and its name and telling others they are someone they are not to hurt their business. YIKES! BIG LAWSUIT THERE,..and putting that on Youtube or in comments with their REAL names,..they wouldn't even be able to argue the case. Wow!!!!

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I sure hope whoever has or does film these Youtube videos or posted comments of slandering that business sure has alot of money. I have seen business' take people to court and win on less evidence then Youtube videos (you cant argue a video),..and the business won millions!!!!

ETA: and the people commenting who to their buddies in all this,.. and with what Missywick and I already have against that group of women, their could be several accomplices involved in a lawsuit like that. Wow,..Shaking my head!

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I'm talking about these words:

My reference to what someone else was saying out there was to let you know at least some really truly don't want to be included. I don't think that person was lying. Its my opinion but from all that was expained, I just don't think so.

Also, if you remember a post of yours you bashed those who test wax melts given to them as free. Unless the woman on the YT video is lying, you gave her FREE melts to do a review on.

ETA: And while I'm remembering posts....I have a DIL who babysits 5 days a week....think you know where I'm going with this.

Your reference makes no sense. You are taking a comment about something entirely different and applying it somewhere it doesn't belong. I see you didn't respond to my pm, I didn't think you would : )

To your ETA comment I think you should just breathe and focus. No I don't think anyone has an idea of where your going with this. My best guess it's to twist something else into something it's not. I'm seeing ALOT of that lately.

Regarding "people truly don't want to be included." They are not, the accusation that someone's on a list because they declined an invitation is insane.There's no arm twisting going on here. anyone that's in OUR circle ASKED to be there and are still waiting to get in as a matter of fact. And if I recall any naysayers here were never invited in the first place so I don't know what the issue is. If you don't want in a private facebook group don't join or friend me. If you don't like what the blog says don't read. But please keep you assumptions and trumped up accusations concerning other business's to yourself. They are not true.

Bottom line, those woman are validating "the list" blog and their reason they are on it. I thank them for that. I feel sorry for the vendor they are accusing, she does not deserve to be slandered like that. She didn't do anything wrong but she's being attacked.I'm downloading the videos and comments now in case she wants to pursue something. I wish her all the best.

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OK, for the sake of time, drama & nerves-

WHO is being bashed & where?

WHAT video?

WHO on the blackball list has caused problems? Surely it can't be all of them. (that seems to be the gist of the issue..)

WHERE is the slander?

Can the cards just be laid out? Aside from contacting a child, what did someone do that was so terrible? There are reviews all over the net on every type of business, every product, every everything, all sorts of complaints everywhere, so my simple mind can't quite absorb all this. It seems, to me, like you're all talking in code.

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To your ETA comment I think you should just breathe and focus. No I don't think anyone has an idea of where your going with this. My best guess it's to twist something else into something it's not. I'm seeing ALOT of that lately.
How about we start here. I was breathing and focusing while keeping my mouth shut as you made a not very nice reference about ppl who work at McDonald's and babysit. Does that ring a bell? You did receive another comment or two about that remark at the time. I think a lot of ppl know where I was going with that.

If you feel the need to now lash out at me, say I'm twisting things, go for it if you get something out of it. I made my stance clear on this from the beginning and I don't care if you like it, agree, disagree or not. My principles don't change b/c someone lashes out.

I don't believe I received a PM from you. It could have been mistakenly deleted but I don't think so. I do know you are sending them out a lot tho' b/c its out there in the grapevine.

Regarding "people truly don't want to be included." They are not, the accusation that someone's on a list because they declined an invitation is insane.There's no arm twisting going on here. anyone that's in OUR circle ASKED to be there and are still waiting to get in as a matter of fact.

Well, I could post the rather lengthy comment from FB the person put down who stated these things seeing you are falsely accusing me. However, posting someone else's words from a FB comment to a public foum is kinda trashy and possibly breaking some forum rules.

ETA: I have shared the link to the FB post via PM to a person or two. It does exist and it does say what I referenced it did.

Part of owning a business and being in sales is there is always going to be an unhappy customer or customers. If every company posted their names, their business would go downhill quickly, I would assume. I will learn through my own avenue when I do begin selling. Am sure I'll have those unhappy customers just like so many others for one reason or another but I can promise you, their names will never appear on a public forum or blog.

Now move along and seek drama elsewhere b/c you aren't getting anymore from me.

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Beth. I am with you, sister! I do not sell so stayed out of this.

Did this really all start because a couple of people did not like you product or service? Kind of like celebrities who should not google themselves (they end up in therapy!), I'd not search for what people think of you. If someone addresses you individually, handle it individually. I assume that you make a great product and bust your rear end to do all you can for customers. If if you make the best quality product you can and take all steps to run a fine business, WHO CARES what a couple of crazy people think?? There will be people who like you and those who do not.

I promise that the wax boards move on from vendor to vendor who are favorites and those who get bashed because of something silly like some lids came off in shipping. Then several others will vow to never buy from that vendor. Again. WHO CARES!!

I would hate to think that all of this could have been spared (the precious traumatized child being the WORST victim in all of this) if you could have thought, "WHO CARES" about a couple of reviews and moved on. Mark them of your customer list and keep going!

Maybe it is because I have been in the corporate world for 27 years or m close to 50 but I really do not care if people like me or not.

The sad part is that this is consuming time and lives. You closed your business as a result. Life is short. Spend it with those you love. Let the authorities handle what is left to handle. They will have forgotten your name soon enough. They will be on to someone else.

First it was 2 men (but not jbn) from here who are sharing information back to secret groups and then it is "we are not certain who" is taking information back. Secret PM's and secret FB groups. ON BOTH SIDES of the case! Do not become like them or let this fuel you somehow!

It is a total waste of your time. Go get ice cream or take a walk with that sweet 10 year old. He will be a big boy soon enough and as a mom of an almost 30 year old who lives several states away with his family, believe me when I tell you you will always wished you had cherished every second with him.

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Beth. I am with you, sister! I do not sell so stayed out of this.

Did this really all start because a couple of people did not like you product or service? Kind of like celebrities who should not google themselves (they end up in therapy!), I'd not search for what people think of you. If someone addresses you individually, handle it individually. I assume that you make a great product and bust your rear end to do all you can for customers. If if you make the best quality product you can and take all steps to run a fine business, WHO CARES what a couple of crazy people think?? There will be people who like you and those who do not.

I promise that the wax boards move on from vendor to vendor who are favorites and those who get bashed because of something silly like some lids came off in shipping. Then several others will vow to never buy from that vendor. Again. WHO CARES!!

I would hate to think that all of this could have been spared (the precious traumatized child being the WORST victim in all of this) if you could have thought, "WHO CARES" about a couple of reviews and moved on. Mark them of your customer list and keep going!

Maybe it is because I have been in the corporate world for 27 years or m close to 50 but I really do not care if people like me or not.

The sad part is that this is consuming time and lives. You closed your business as a result. Life is short. Spend it with those you love. Let the authorities handle what is left to handle. They will have forgotten your name soon enough. They will be on to someone else.

First it was 2 men (but not jbn) from here who are sharing information back to secret groups and then it is "we are not certain who" is taking information back. Secret PM's and secret FB groups. ON BOTH SIDES of the case! Do not become like them or let this fuel you somehow!

It is a total waste of your time. Go get ice cream or take a walk with that sweet 10 year old. He will be a big boy soon enough and as a mom of an almost 30 year old who lives several states away with his family, believe me when I tell you you will always wished you had cherished every second with him.

First of all, I NEVER searched for what people think of me or my products. It started when a couple in that group didnt like their package taking more then 4 days to get to them so they googled and found my home address, etc.. and then found my son on Facebook. And, I have been around when the OLD BOARD was active, those women are known by MANY, not just me and LONGGGG before I joined this board in 2006. If its such a waste of time for any of you then WHY READ IT? WHY ASK QUESTIONS to try to figure things out? And then you want to preach to me that I could do better things with my time like go take a walk,..you could be taking a walk yourself instead of commenting on this thread.

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First of all, I NEVER searched for what people think of me or my products. It started when a couple in that group didnt like their package taking more then 4 days to get to them so they googled and found my home address, etc.. and then found my son on Facebook. And, I have been around when the OLD BOARD was active, those women are known by MANY, not just me and LONGGGG before I joined this board in 2006. If its such a waste of time for any of you then WHY READ IT? WHY ASK QUESTIONS to try to figure things out? And then you want to preach to me that I could do better things with my time like go take a walk,..you could be taking a walk yourself instead of commenting on this thread.

Wow. You must be kidding. PLEASE read what I said. I said that they are wasting YOUR time. I did not say this was a waste of my time! I also did not "preach".

Your response to my kind post was unwarranted, was out of line and has shown me much. So sorry that I bothered. Like others, I have no need for drama in my life and I'll comment no more on this subject. I'll go take my walk. Thanks.

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wow. You must be kidding. Please read what i said. I said that they are wasting your time. I did not say this was a waste of my time! I also did not "preach".

Your response to my kind post was unwarranted, was out of line and has shown me much. So sorry that i bothered. Like others, i have no need for drama in my life and i'll comment no more on this subject. I'll go take my walk. Thanks.

You did say that all AGAINST ME, maybe re-read what you said TOWARDS ME! And I DO NOT TRUST ANYONE! I know I am a witch (literally).

ETA: My child could not have been spared because of a couple reviews Justajesuschick, because it wasn't ANYTHING ABOUT reviews!!!

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Oh and Justajesuschick, We wont share all the details that we do have. Things are being investigated and we wont hinder that investigation. Only time missywick and I post is to reply back to one of you who ask a question or if you want to tell us NOT TO CARE what they have said ,..WHICH WE NEVER HAVE, if we cared about what they think or say, we wouldnt still be commenting to this post because they are reading it,....AND missywick wouldnt still have the blog about that group if we CARED WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT US. And I just haven't mentioned those on this board that WE DO know is in that group. HINT HINT!

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