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Can someone enlighten me on JS's "bodacious" line?


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I get that I can only buy them in 1 pound size. What I cannot ascertain is if these are something she picked up from another supplier that perhaps closed a business, if they are a value line or if they are "bodaciously" strongly scented. Or something else.

I am looking for a Blackberry and CMS has a Blackberry Jam but the lack of scent descriptions makes me not want to continue to order there. I am already gambling enough when I order without sniffing or asking here first!

Curious if you order form JS's Bodacious line and can help shed some light.


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I'm not 100% sure and it's been awhile (I've been MIA for over a year) BUT... from what I understood it was just a price thing. At first the bodacious buys were $10 per pound. And she was able to keep them at that price due to only selling them that way and no 1oz type thing. Sooo I just assume it's a price thing :) I know not much help.

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I am not sure either, but have noticed that some oils that WERE in the BB line, are now not and are regular prices. Also, some that have been regular prices are now discounted to the BB line. also see that some have just vanished and i did not ever notice them on the clearance or disco pages.


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