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Everything posted by Dakota37

  1. Well, someone had sent me 1 lb of palm wax, so I am making a small pillar candle. No wonder it's so expensive. How neat it looks as it cools! I hope the finished product turns out alright. Pink vanilla.
  2. Oh, by the way, the blue on the wick is molding clay...lol. They were out of mold sealer when we went to one of the craft stores. It works, but I have to scrape that off when I'm done. As far as wicks, haven't tried the spool of wick that someone sent me because I was unsure if I had to do something different with that. I have been using pre tabbed and primed wicks for all candles and just cutting the tab off....
  3. Thanks so much. Unfortunately I have so many bookmarks on how to make candles, and it seems that all of them have different ideas on what temp to add dyes, scent and when to pour. That ends up confusing me, so I figured I would try the forums. I appreciate all of your advice. I know that I probably need more supplies that I don't have. I also try so hard to do the re-pours right, but that's not always easy, as some people say poke relief holes and fill but don't tell me how long after.
  4. Thank you. And, the first thing I bought was a votive kit. They didn't turn out too terrible, scent blocks were used, but I did screw up with the wick tabs kind of "floating" at the bottom. The last 4 I made didn't do that. Also, I have gotten them from Zenith supplies and Swans Candle supplies. There was some that people sent me that were purchased at craft stores, and I used those once with zero success. Haven't used them since.
  5. Here is the first ones I made: Now here is the ones that are just messed up. The purple ones being the most recent from yesterday: Video from this morning:
  6. Well 2 of the kinds are from 2 different candle supply stores. I'm making heart shaped, start shaped, with metal molds. I always assume pillars are those tall ones. I'll see if I can try to post pics here. =) Yeah, I have no additives. never tried them.....
  7. I am using paraffin wax purchased at a candle supply store, using metal molds, and no wax additives. i imagine you mean like vybar or something? If you do not have a FB and can't see my FB page I can try to post pics here if possible....
  8. I recently started making candles.I have a serious anxiety problem that keeps me at home and I am 1 year and a half sober from alcohol, so trying to find something to do that I enjoy and possibly make a bit of money. I have friends that are so kind and are offering to buy my candles but I'm horribly self critical and ever since I've felt the pressure to have them turn out just right, they have been turning out all wrong..=( The only thing I did different at first was use scent blocks instead of oil, but then people started giving me oils, so that's all I have to use, I used the recommended amount and the candle came out greasy with white spots, so I then started using less even though I want strongly scented candles, and am still having that problem. Well this morning my finished candles had all kinds of issues and a dull finish. The first time I used the molds and scent BLOCKS, they turned out nice and shiny and my only problem was small pit marks and some air bubbles, but I still think they looked pretty nice. Haven't been able to get them to turn out since. If anyone would like to go check out my FB page and see the video I put up today and also look at the photos of my first candles versus the ones after that would be great. I'm getting frustrated and ready to give up, but I don't want to disappoint people who were so happy that I found something to do.... https://www.facebook.com/candlesbycharity
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