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  1. I don't know the type of it But it worked with IGI wax perfectly, what's different could be now? I was able to take a picture of it, you can see the end of stirring stick.
  2. Hello everyone! I make carved candles and use titanium dioxide for white color. Usually it works pretty well but recently I started expierincing some paranormal activity. I switched to 4045EP wax and my white color isn't white any more! Titanium dioxide sinks and bottoms leaving the wax absolutely clear. If I stir the wax and dip a candle into it the white layer will be sandy with tiny pieces of titanium dioxide. What is my problem? Is it new wax or maybe temperature mode? Should I switch to another white dye? What white dye is the best for this wax 4045EP? I would very appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.
  3. Hi folks, I have recently started making oil candles. Wax candles are equipped with a plastic tube inside and a cap with a wick so one can use liquid paraffin to burn it (see here). Apparently, Canadian laws are quite serious about containers and chemicals so I doubt that I can sell it here (I'm from Toronto). I was wandering if you know about such restrictions or safety regulations in the States. If anyone could assure me that it is legal to sell such candles in the US, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks.
  4. Hello forum, So here I am, learning how to make carved candles. I live in Toronto and it seems to be a quite challenge to find a supplier for all my needs. Thanks to John from Candlefun who ignited my passion to candlemaking. As for now, I have some questions and I would be extremely happy and much appreciated if you could help me. 1. Glaze. I bought one from Canwax (http://www.canwax.com/Candle-Gloss_p_1345.html) and still can get it work. It was too thick and it stayed on the candles as drops and bubbles not filling small slits in a candle. I diluted it with clean water, now it is of good density (looks liquid enough) but it flows down so quickly and unevenly. Is it just a matter of a right consistence (how much water to add)? Or maybe this glaze doesn't work well when the candle is dipped into it? 2. White dye/whitener. The white titanium dioxide dye from Candlefun (in form of pieces) worked well in terms of colour. Then I tried some whitener flakes (don't know if it was titanium dioxide or not) and here is a problem. The white colour is good, but the wax with these flakes foams up into a kind of scum, foam so when the candle is poured in it, there are dozens of small bubbles all over the candle. So I'm trying to find the original titanium dioxide in Ontario. All I see is powder or flakes whiteners. Is it a common name or should I be looking for a special titanium dioxide? 3. I heat my wax to 170-180°F and sometimes it lays on the candle unevenly with stains and bumps. Is it a temperature factor? I would very appreciate any advice. Sorry for my English, I'm from Ukraine originally and just recently moved to Canada. I might have bought all supplies from Candlefun but delivery costs+Canadian taxes are ruthless. Thanks
  5. JanetsCandles, thanks for your reply. I mentioned in my post (but didn't emphasize it) that I'm interested in carved (dip and cut) candles only. These don't require formulae to make wax. Most medium melting point (~140°F) paraffin waxes/blends can be used. That's why I was asking about particular wax model. Yes, I know that link, thanks again. Unfortunately, not much information I found in canadian Internet. I can buy several boxes of wax if one can confirm the model which works good for carving. I was very impressed with a number of suppliers noted on the board (grouped by state), this is quite valuable source of information. However, I still hope that can find good supplier in my area.
  6. Hello guys! I'm a newbie here as well as in candlemaking. I'm looking for suppliers of supplies for carved candles in GTA (Grand Toronto Area) region. I bet there should be a lot of Canadians on this forum who may share some contacts with me. I would very appreciate any help. 1. We have IGI wax here. Is 1343a good enough? One trader suggested to use IGI 1239A. Also IGI 4611 can be found. Any advice please? 2. Could someone recommend dyes? In my starter kit I tried out solid pieces dye. Some say that liquid concentrated dye is better. 3. And what about glaze? Is it kind of acrylic glaze paint? Can someone advice please? I'm not lazy, already spent a lot of days googling for a supplier. I can buy stuff in US and pick up orders from Niagara Falls, NY to save some money on international deliveries. However, I'd like to find something in my area in order to have ability to purchase whatever I need whenever I want. As for now, I have these guys on top of my list: Wax, Dyes BTW, I was also looking for an oil lamp or liquid parraffin wax fuel (odorless, smokelss). Found several deals in US. I would very appreciate any help with these general questions: where in Canada? which wax is better? Thanks!
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