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Posts posted by Bottlecrafters

  1. How much $ does it take to start up small usually?

    I'm in for nearly $1000 and haven't even started selling yet.

    Which company all round makes the best/potent fragrances?

    I use Candle Science and Peak. I use GW464 Soy, and find that probably less than 50% of the fragrances I test throw well, so you will need to do a TON of testing to see what works for you.

    What's the rule of thumb for how many ounces of fragrance per pound of wax?

    I start with 1 oz./lb. and go up to about 8% max. Anything more than that, and I try to find another scent, or come back to that scent with another supplier.

    What is a must " know " for the business of candle making?

    Spend a lot of time reading these forums. There is a wealth of info. When I first started last December, I read this forum religiously for several hours per night (until my brain was mush). I lurked and read for over a month before I started testing.

  2. I'm back to testing HTP wicks, even though I still like zincs. I think it was the Libbey Elemental jar that was causing the problems, not the HTP wicks as I had incorrectly assumed.

    Today wakeylad brought it to my attention that there are more HTP sizes than I thought, and he sent me some links. So, the HTP sizes go in order from the smallest melt pool to largest melt pool: HTP 83, 93, 104, 105, 1212, 1312, 126, 136, and XL-100. I didn't know about the 1312, 136, or XL-100. Has anyone tried those sizes in large containers? especially with 4627 or parasoy?

    What are you considering a large container? I tried 1212 (w 464) in a 3.125" container, and the flame was too big for my taste.

  3. Remember when the lady sued Mcdonalds because she spilt hot coffee on herself--(and sad).

    I also feel there are far too many frivolous lawsuits, but many times we don't hear the whole story.

    The McDonald's lawsuit is a prime example - google "Stella Liebeck"

    She is the person that sued Mcdonalds. A few facts:

    Stella was 79 years old at the time.

    She was not driving (her son was)

    McDonald's coffee at that time was heated to 180-190 degrees (most establishments heat to 130-140).

    McDonald's knew this could cause severe burns. Even stated that at 180 it is not fit for consumption, and may cause mouth and throat burns.

    Prior to this case there were approx. 700 known instances where McDonald's customers were burned by the coffee.

    Stella spent 8 days in the hospital, and underwent skin grafting. She was disabled for 2 years.

    Stella initially sought $20,000 from McDonald's but was rejected, thus went to court.

    So in this case, it was not about a "quick money" seeking customer. It was about a company that knew it's product to be "defective" and chose to ignore it for the sake of better taste, and profit.

  4. CS Honeysuckle Jasmine is one of my best sellers! Also, CS Blueberry Cobbler, CS Strudel & Spice, CW Snickerdoodle, CS Banana Nut Bread. They all throw great in GB 464 at 8% using CD wicks in tins. They also all sold really well at my craft show, in candle and tart form. :-) (tarts made in Ecosoya PB)

    Poured Honeysuckle Jasmine last week. Will probably light it by the weekend. CS Banana Nut Bread is a winner for me too (at 7% with CDN). Haven't tried your others, but may soon :)

  5. What fragrances were used in each type of mushroom?

    The ones that are growing wings are:

    Wild Mountain Honey

    Coconut Lime Verbana

    Botanical Orchard

    Frayed Clumps:

    Amish Harvest

    Creme Brulee

    Banana Nut


    Carbon Balls:

    I need to look through my notes in more detail, cause now I cant find any mention of this. I remember this early in my testing (diff wicks), but don't recall seeing this with using CDN and CD wicks I use now.

    All are from Peak and 1 oz of FO per 15 oz wax.

  6. I have noticed in my testing I sometimes get different types of mushrooming if you will.

    One type looks like a pair of wings formed at the top of the wick.

    Another is the wick appears to be frayed, and forming clumps

    Yet another is ball type mushrooms/carbon balls.

    I use CD and CDN wicks on 464.

    I have read that too much FO causes mushrooming, but do specific types of 'shrooming tell me anything more?

  7. I use 464, but have only been at it for 3 months. I heat to 185, add FO (usually 6.6% - 1 oz per 15 oz), and stir down to 160 then pour (using CDN wicks mostly). I cure for ~3-5 days before testing (thinking of waiting longer now). I have found I am batting about .500 with FOs. Some work, some don't.

    Bottom line, is you will have to test many of them yourself to see what works. I read recommendations on here of FOs that people love, and get great HT. I try them, and NADA, poor/no HT. So, as has been said by others MANY times on this forum...TEST...TEST....TEST (and STUDY...STUDY...STUDY - these forums). There are a lot of FOs around. My strategy (right or wrong) is to run through a bunch of testers (you can get 10 from peak for $19). I test them, put them in 3 buckets - "Keepers-Maybes-Losers". Keepers I tweak or add to my line (which I am not selling as yet), Maybes I will come back to later, and Losers I scrap immediately. Keep copious notes of your testing, as you will forget what you have done.

    Here are a few Peak FOs I am having luck with:

    Amish Harvest

    Creme Brulee

    Banana Nut Bread

    Black Canyon

    Birds of Paradise

    These may or may not work for you. Again, you will have to test yourself to see, but I have seen many people rave about the HT of these FOs here.

  8. I use 464. It has taken me a few months just to get my wicking down, now I am working on expanding my FOs. I use CDN wicks mostly. I have also found that it is hard to find FOs that throw well with 464.

    Like Chuck said, Creme Brulee throws well. I have also found Amish Harvest, Black Canyon, Birds of Paradise, Banana Nut Bread (all from Peaks) to throw well.

    Just got a new batch of 10 testers from Peaks, and poured 5 this weekend. Can't wait for them to cure to see, cause the smelled good oob.

  9. Just an update. I've finally tested with CDN wicks. What I have found was that certain fo's need the CDN wick. So far I have 3 candle fragrances that need the CDN and that has worked out. So if CD 10 and CD12 did not produce a full melt pool and lots of hangup even by 3rd burn...I tested with CDN8 and CDN10 and those burned better! Anyway, just my findings.

    So to clarify...You wicked a CD10 that did not get full MP, and switched to CDN8 and got full MP? And CD12 down to CDN10?

  10. HorsescentS,

    Would you please give some recommendations on wick sizes? I use the 6 oz. jelly jars and the salsa jars that are about 3" in diameter.

    I use 464 Soy...but You might want to try CD or CDN 12 or 14 and wick up or down from there.

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