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Everything posted by Chele

  1. Ours is pink and a top ten seller even with our name change. I've actually had customers tell me VS is making hers the wrong color.. they thought because ours is pink.. theirs should be too. We also change up alot of the names of FO's we use. I like to make it difficult for the "next guy" to figure out what FO we use. Also it helps avoid the C&S letters. Have a great day! Chele
  2. We call ours "Enchanted Evening" It's a good seller for us. HTH, Chele
  3. "I" That would be great!!!! Take care, Chele
  4. http://www.laserinkjetlabels.com has the best prices on the brown kraft labels. HTH, Chele
  5. We left the jelly jar at $7.95 but went up to $17.95 on our 18oz Apothecary. The increase doesn't seem to have impacted sales too much... I have actually started selling more of the 26oz candle.. go figure on that one - it is currently 22.95 but it will be going up a dollar or two soon. I'm thinking I need to go up on the Jelly Jar soon... just hate to do that one... as I think it sells so well because of the price. *Sigh* Take care, Chele
  6. Anybody else the The Martha Stewart show where she made "Sand Candles" ? The cheap part of me that doesn't want to buy all the molds to make pillars thinks this might just be the way to go. The possibilities for candle shapes are totally endless. I suspect there is very little sand left on the outside.. and what is left just adds to the charm anyway. Here's a link to the info on her website. http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.3a0656639de62ad593598e10d373a0a0/?vgnextoid=d6c1ab645852f010VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default&rsc=image_1&autonomy_kw=sand+candles Whatcha think? Take care, Chele
  7. Just loaded up on a TON of goodies all for about $35 - I think $41 with shipping with her 4th of July sale. http://www.justletmescrapbook.com/ Sale thru July 5th - 40% off everything!!! Code is JULY4 This sale includes clearance items this time ... so some of the papers are just pennies a sheet.. literally. Figured I would share as I LOVE a great sale. Take care, Chele
  8. I buy most of mine at a local shop - "Just Let Me Scrapbook" but she also sells online. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter - she has lots of sales. http://www.justletmescrapbook.com/ She is having a birthday sale thru the 9th - 30% off everything. Code is MB616 Also be sure to check out her sale items - some great deals there too! HTH, Chele
  9. We sold the retail the store - final day is May 17th. With the sale of the store I paid cash for construction. Paid off all our store and personal debt, vehicle included. I have the barn to pour in and a separate storage area for glass and wax... and a small area for inventory. I have two people wanting to open franchises up in the fall... we are seeing how smoothly this goes before we bale off into the new ones.. but I see them as very "doable" The store had become a beast and a full time job and we got an offer we couldn't refuse. Parts of retail I will miss but I miss my life and my Saturdays with my family. I look forward to going back to wholesale, fundraisers, and internet... and now that we sell on Amazon.. we really need to make candles full time. It was a choice I felt I needed to make for myself, my health, and my family. I think our new barn is about the size of yours but we will add on the back in spring. I did go with extra high ceilings so I can go up with storage. It will only take me one wave of fundraisers to have to profit to pay for the next addition. With the economy as it is and wax prices soaring I won't incur any debt with my business right now. Playing it safe is the only way I think small businesses will survive this. Just my 2 scents Chele
  10. We just broke ground last week on our new candle barn here on our property. I stood out there today and already know it is too small and I will out grow it this fall/winter busy season... but I paid cash for the construction and incurred no debt. I went back and forth on the size for weeks but decided with the economy so unsettled it was best to stay safe and stay out of debt. I can always add on later... not to mention I didn't want to have to heat and cool any more space than I absolutely needed. I have seen many businesses grow too fast, get strapped for cash and grow right out of business... All that being said.... build what you can really afford... you can ALWAYS add on later. Keep your overhead low and your profits will be high and your business will grow and be healthy. We have turned a profit every year since our first year of business and our business continues to grow to this day... Dream Big ... but be sure to be cautious in your growth. I think your plans look good - Good Luck! HTH, Chele
  11. Brides aren't expecting a big discount - or at least not on any orders I have done. If you want to give a discount.. I would think 10% is fine. They expect to spend alot for their big day. HTH, Chele
  12. We've been approached by Amazon to put our items on their site. Anybody tried this yet... was it worth it? My first instinct is that it's a great opportunity... just need to read the fine print. Thanks in advance, Chele
  13. Been using NG's Pomegranate for years.. just got a new bottle... poured it and dunno what it is but it's not what we've been using. Had to trash a ton of candles... anybody else have a problem? I'm going to call them on Monday. I'm hoping it's just a wrong oil in the bottle issue. Thanks in advance! Chele
  14. I got the same email just a few days ago.. I'll post a copy of mine when I get home to my other computer. It smelled like a scam to me when I read it originally.. now I know she is just fishing for samples. Thanks for posting! Chele
  15. I've searched all the places I know... has anyone seen these? Snowtop candles is selling candles in them and I've seen them a couple other places. Any ideas? I'd appreciate any help you can give me on this one. Thanks in advance! Chele
  16. Yes it's a soft wax. I think our melting point is around 123. I actually have more trouble shipping candles when it's cold. The cold makes the candles shrink and harden... and we have more problens with broken glass. HTH Chele
  17. We are in middle GA. We ship all year long - even in the summer months. We just remember to ship at the beginning of the week so nothing sits on trucks over the weekend. We haven't had any problems with melted candles...even when we ship to CA. We use a Soy wax blend. HTH, Chele
  18. eBay - affordable and several to choose from. Thats where we get ours. HTH, Chele
  19. Princess of Piedmont Is it a Diva upscale line or just an upscale line? A diva/high maintenance line is a hot item right now. HTH, Chele
  20. Back in my early years, when any account was a great wholesale account... I got a new customer who wanted her candles & soap privately labeled.. my name to appear no where on them... she was willing to pay heavily for this deal. She was going after the high end market, movie stars and such.. Sounds good eh? Sounded exciting though - I thought she would never be successful.. but who am I to kill a dream Well years later... I now see my(her) candles on news stands.. I read magazine articles all the time with Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff.. the list goes on.. and on and on... all talking about how they love these candles. Linda Carter (Wonder woman) LOVES our(their) soap. Just last week the candles and soaps were featured on ET online as one of their favorites. It's exciting in a way.. but very weird as I feel famous.. but not really... my daughter loves to kid me about it... I hear alot.. "Way to go Mom" as she rolls her eyes... I stopped offering private labeling to wholesale customers a few years ago with the exception of customers who already buying that way. I'm currently building a wholesale site for my business and am going to add "no label" wholesale candles.. I'll put a generic warning label on the bottom, they can put their own label on the candle itself. I will make them sign an agreement that they understand by buying the candles this way, they will assume the liabilty for the product.. same as I did before. Hope this helps and didn't bore you too much... just a twist I would have never foreseen.. Take care, Chele
  21. We fought with the Joy wax thru the busy season of 06 and then changed... suppliers and wax...We too appreciate when a supplier lets us know when something has changed. I completely understand that alot of times it's the manufacturer that actually changed the product... but don't insult my intelligence by trying to convince me that you don't know what I'm talking about especially after I'm reading complaints posted on message boards all over the net. I'd even be cool with a "we don't think it changed... let me call the manufacturer". We spent over $60,000 on just wax and jars last year... trust me I've seen enough candle supplies to know when something has changed. Speaking of which melters are about ready to go... y'all have a great day!! Chele
  22. We got caught off guard with the Joy wax change over a year ago (yea I know their statement is nothing changed.. but when the wax goes from greasey to brittle.. it's quite obvious something changed) Well two wax changes and endless combinations and now finally a container change (huge step - first major container change in 5 years)... we have succeeded. Once again we can pour hot, color dark, no frost, no soot when burning, burns side to side all the way to the bottom... and every scent throws like crazy again. We still have to poke and heat gun the tops... but after a year of totally melting down candle after candle... I'll take it. I'm sooooooo happy I could just dance for days.. My family thinks I've lost my mind... but I knew you guys would understand! And for the record I would just like to say... I hate when suppliers act like we have lost our minds when we call (repeatedly even) complaining that a product has changed. I'm sure it's frustrating for them to deal with all the complaints... but I think sometimes they forget what's it's like to be on this end of a problem... especially when this is how you make your living... Thanks for letting me vent Chele
  23. NG's is great! KY is coming out with a new pomegranate too... saw it posted on her message board. HTH, Chele
  24. Oh okay Sorry for the surplus of info. I was just reading the thread and seeing all the additives and drying in ovens etc... thinking holy moly... thats alot of work for bath salts. I like to take the simple route whenevever possible Have a fabulous day! Chele
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