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Everything posted by Geoinerworks

  1. Thanks everyone! The container is something I saw and really liked possibly enough to make that my primary. The container is made of nice thick glass, clean simple lines.
  2. Thanks Stella I did do searches on the board and found some really good info even contacted an agent locally was just curious what others in AZ were paying and who they were using. So from what I am taking from your post is I need to look into product liability insurance, as I do not want to do shows and will only sell online and give to friends.
  3. I am wondering from those in AZ where you are getting ins. coverage and about what it runs you a year. Thank you
  4. My first Container candle... and a few more pillars. http://www.flickr.com/photos/51438603@N00/sets/72157628643281937/
  5. Well I have to say.. I have always liked my professional heat gun....but after today I love it!!! took care of the small dips I had in my containers. I looked down the sides of the container and I have very small horizontal bubbles.. I am thinking my wax was to hot when I poured.
  6. Hmmmmm ok well only a little dipping in the containers... guess I will have to do second pour.. bummer have to be tomorrow.. Hope that works..
  7. Well setup tonight and poured 16 candles 4 containers and 12 pillars. These are the first containers I have done so should be interesting. I am excited to see how they turn out. These have been a success so far, been burning two of the pillars now getting close to the bottom no issues. Thinking of trying some leather FO next...
  8. I ordered from Peak and Lonestar I used to go there and browse when I lived in Dallas and wanted to do this but didn't have the time or resources.
  9. Thanks everyone... I by no means think I am some master candle maker.. HAHA I know what candles I want to make and the couple types of wax I am wanting to use(Beeswax and EcoSoy or some blend of the two)at least based on my reading. 3" Pillars are what I want to make and a single glass container that I have picked already and have here to test with. I have 20 scents and will doing a scent a month in a candle to my business partner who will test them and give me honest feedback we eventually want to give these to clients along with a bottle of wine. I do want to play with things like chunks, and ice candles later on.
  10. I don't deny it could be luck!! HAHA Thank you though for letting me know I am not crazy for thinking at some point enough is enough and you just go with it. I do want to try some other waxes and try some containers.. so I still have testing I want to do.
  11. Ok ... I am just trying to understand.... Ok so I have been reading and reading all these posts about testing testing testing... with lots of failures and successes. So I guess my question is why is there so much testing? When I purchased my wax I looked up wick types and sizes recommended for my wax. So far that has worked perfectly, I have burned my pillar candles about 100 hrs now and the pool is great, the throws are good. 3"Pillar and have 1/4" maybe a little more around the pool. So I guess my question is why I could understand for throw testing but why all this wick testing? 1. When you respond please let me know if your selling these candles or if they are just for you and family. 2. How long you have been doing this? 3. What types candles are you making? 4. What wax are you using or are you making your own blend? Thanks just trying to understand! Just starting out have a work shop in my garage where this work takes place. The equipment I have is a 200lb water jacketed melter, 1st wax so far is EcoSoy,#1 square braid wick, 3" pillars, so far 1 FO Clean Cotton. Poured, tested one, two days out for just 30mins then waited 4 more days and it was fine. No smoking, very limited mushrooming after 3 hrs. Throw is good, Open concept home 3000 sqft. if you walk outside and come back in it fills the dinning living and kitchen areas. I know its just one and one scent in a 3"pillar but I followed suggestions and directions it all worked the way it was supposed to.
  12. Hmm not sure... I am thinking of using a friends idea he used to work for Yankee candles, he sent me a blend recipe but Ill have to find it again... I think my shine is from the silicon... haha when i wipe it down they don't shine much.. They don't break through though, this round one I am burning has burned for up to 5hrs at a time and its been fine, so far burned it 20hrs total.
  13. Thank you for your compliments... I was a bit worried reading some of the posts on here about failed attempts and things going wrong. But I cranked up the wax melter tossed in the wax measured my dye and FO and here it is.
  14. This wax is just the Eco Soy Pillar Blend from Peak. Speaking of PeakCandle they have really great customer service!
  15. Ok so made up some candles, pillars and they are a success! Like the scent (Clean Cotton), used a soy wax with a #1 Square braid wick. They came out awesome! I made about 20 various shapes and sizes, have burned a couple here at the house they are centered, smell good and last a good long time. I have included a picture. I made this candle first as a test. for myself I actually used the bottom of the candle as the top..because I did not do a second pour on this one. I did however do second pours on my others since. Pretty excited after the holidays I am going to start making more and trying different colors and scents.
  16. Thats good to know... I ordered a leather FO from Lone Star, I hope it smells good years ago I order an oil for a burner and it smelled like burnt wiring and not leather. So I was little concerned.
  17. I suppose I should of asked you guys first.... are there any scents from peaks or lone star that you just would say are really really really bad....
  18. ok ok ok ill try.... no promise... so I just placed my first order from Peak..
  19. Stella... if we are going to be friends... you have to stop being so practical!! LOL Start smaller?!?!?!? With a 200lb melter in the garage?!?!!? Now you tell me.. honestly... would you start smaller with a 200lb melter in the garage??? HAHA I actually just went to check on it and oh my is it working!! Apparently its just a slow heat process which would make sense I am going to contact the manufacturer I need a manual and knob for the thermostat. I did contact the watlow the makers of the heater they are very nice..though prices are a little crazy.. they wanted 600 for that same heater waxmelters.com wants 250 for I was checking incase I needed a replacement.
  20. so are you guys familiar with the melter I have? how long does it take to heat up etc? I am concerned.. the immersion heater might be burned out....
  21. BTW... who knew candle making could be made so difficult!! When I was a kid I dug a hole in the sand put a wick in the hole poured in the wax let it set and TA DA!! had a candle the next day that my mom used... haha
  22. HAHA Beth... it doesn't smell very good.... I said should I play with it? But I have no idea what it is either... all I know is its still has enough scent in it smell up a 3 car garage just by removing the melter lid... haha
  23. So here is where I am at the moment ... I am filling my melter with water it probably has about 30lbs of wax already in it.. scented..with the typical scent you smell in every candle store in America! I was going to use that to play around and or should I just melt it and toss it?
  24. Thanks everyone for the welcome.... I just so surprised there are no suppliers here. I moved here from Tx, I was not making candles there but had thought about it and researched it and where to buy I am just shocked there is nothing local here. I am wanting to make candles for christmas gifts...however having never done it before I am afraid my time is running out to buy the right was the right scents and get it all made and tested and shipped by christmas. I was looking to do some pillar candles single wick, want something that is a little more enviro friendly... So was thinking soy wax and non zinc based wicks? Again still reading up on what I can and can't do with some waxes, suggestions? I recently was gifted this http://www.waxmelters.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=PW200+WATER+JACKET+MELTER&Show=TechSpecs a few months so I really am excited to start using it. Long story I was going to buy it then they decided to just give it to me since they had never used it and it was sitting in the garage for 5 years.
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