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Posts posted by cary

  1. There were 3 blends total. 2 container blends and the votive blend. Ive seen alot of kits and I thought it was the best buy for the money but I could be wrong. I did ask them if additive would be needed and they said no but from what I see from my first pour, and the frosting I got with the container blend I think I need additive for that blend. I also see that the vybar isnt recomended for the soy :( but they had one for the soy, added it to the wish list along with some wick samples and wick tabs, lol.

  2. Thanks, The instruction said to heat to 160* and let cool to 125* before adding FO and dye, and pour at 100*,but I will try a higher pour temp, on my next making and see if this help. All it says about the wax is that its a soy container blend no details as to what it has blended in it, the supplier said they couldnt give specifics as to what the blend is. I'm really loving the site here too. so much info!

    Thanks again!

  3. Hello,

    Im just starting out and made my very first candles today! I want to get started doing this as a home business, but have so much to learn. Im so glad to finelly fine a forum that is so informative and active! I have only made 3 candles and I'm using a soy container blend wax. My containers are 8oz and 2oz tins w/lids. I used 10oz of wax (weighed) and .5oz Cucumber melon FO (weighed). I also used a liquid dye and added 1 drop each of blue and yellow, which gave me a light to medium bluish green. I don't know all the terms yet, but find that the more I check the site out the more I have learned. I am just testing the waters on this first pour, to see what I come up with. So far I have noticed that my candles have a rough top I poured my wax at 100* added my FO and color at 125* I also noticed that there is a crust on top, I'm guessing this is called bloom? I havent dont a test burn on them as of yet. I'm also guessing they need to cure first completely before the test burn. My wicks are 60-44-18C soy for the 8oz. tin and a 44-24-18C soy for the 2oz. tin. The 8oz. tin has a dia. of 3" and the 2oz hav a dia. of 2" depth of the 8oz. is 2" and the depth of the 2oz. is 1.5" (if this is of importance)

    I found that when I measured my 10oz's of wax thinking I would have enough to make 1 each of the 8oz and 2oz I ended up with enough wax for another 2oz tin. Is this normal? I'm learning as I go with this first pour. and would like any comment good or bad as to what could be causing the bloom and the extra wax. I bought a nice kit at Moon Glow in Sturgis, SD they were the only one I found with this huge kit. also I want to know when I do my complete test burns can I reuse the tins? I know I'm so amateur with this but I want to learn as much as I can from this first pour. Also in my kit came 4-27oz romance jar's I will be saving them for when I get much better at this, but they have a unsusal shape and have seen post on jars where they had problem in their 1st and 2nd burn's these jars are shaped kinda like an upside down pear, and a 1/2" chimney? Dia. at opening is 3" but in the middle its much bigger 4" and bottom 2" I want to know how full should I fill these when the time comes? Sorry for such the long post.

    :cheesy2: thanks in advance, cary

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