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Posts posted by Fern-Marie

  1. Hi D,

    Well, well, well!

    Hell, I think I may cry too! Those are two purdy things to be proud of.

    Just a week or two ago you were ready to quit soy...'I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!'...sound familiar?

    I'll bet you got that way with lotion, too. See what a little stick-to-it-ness can do.

    What a lead in. When I saw the title and your name, my heart sank!! PHEW!

    I am thrilled that you have achieved success! Way to go!!

  2. I agree with everyone else...absolutely not. Big Corp. my foot.....who's the Corp.? Can that be verified? If they are in business with a 'big corp', then they know how business is conducted...and not.

    Screams scam. I see red flags popping up all over this one.

    I just hate to see your hopes get bashed, but I would hate it worse to see you get taken advantage of. What a rotten thing to do. I am sure that you work too hard to take that kind of risk. This kind of thing just ticks me off!!

    I am sorry that someone has tried to use and take advantage of you this way.

    Follow your gut instinct...always.

    Send him a string and a ball of wax...tell him to get cookin'!

  3. Well, I am sure glad that those worked out for you.

    In case you are interested, Bitter Creek North is having a clearance sale on some Snowman, Santa, and Patriotic crockery - including t-light warmers, and little bowls, just all sorts of shapes. My concern with them is shipping, I think it is high, but it could work out. They have that corn cob air freshener that I want to try. I just finished batching up some more Aroma Beads. Phew!! I stiiiiink!!! A nice stink.

    Hope it works out for you.


  4. Dear Fern,

    I am so sorry that you were not able to get the bowls that I was thinking of.

    I do see what you mean about these ones looking lost. Although, I love the shape of the bowl matching the tart...very cute.

    Maybe cute glass like a Pyrex type? Ya know, AC Moores has those glass stickers - they're permanent once set, even washable. If you found a nice glass that you are happy with, you might consider the glass stickers. (?)

    I will keep my eyes open. I think I have to go back to Wally World tomorrow...got to find the candle warmers!! Do you have a Christmas Tree Shop? I scored tons of great candle holders, glass ware, and candle shades at fab prices. I will check there as well, I know you must have a Wally World.

    Aren't you afraid that tins will get too hot on the heater? I haven't dared to try them for that reason.

    Questioon: I was nosing around Yankee Candle to see what they charge for their tarts...I can't see the weight, but mine are 1 oz...I don't know what or how to charge.

    Another thing, they have a circled R next to the word Tart. ??? If this is a Registered Trademark...I can't legally call them tarts, right??

    Have you any idea on this? Hows-a-bout Ferny.Cakes?? lol

    Talk soon, Fern-Marie

    I just remembered...I did get PYREX Bowls, with lids, and Christmas Tree or Holly decor all the way around....At Christmas Tree Shop....duh, how could I forget that! They were $1.00 each. I got a dozen and am filling for use as wickless candles.

  5. Hi Jenn,

    I'm sorry, but the Cozy Warmers from Michael's are the ones heating up to a higher than normal temp.

    Many ppl seem to be very happy with the Wal-Mart warmers, and Jo-Ann's get's good reviews as well.

    Sorry to disappoint.

    Have a safe trip tomorrow.

  6. Thanks Marilyn,

    I was just returning a reply to someone who does not use dyes.

    I am considering this if I use EZ for tarts, and if I find that the frosting is too bad.

    I don't know yet.

    However, when I did use the EZ, I rather liked the frosty look. I haven't made tarts with it yet, but I will, and decide from there.

    I will probably make them the weekend...we'll see...wish me luck!.. and thanks again.

  7. Ahhhh.

    So I am doing it right.

    Relit test candles today...I am satisfied, I think they are good, and so does my husband.

    Due to candle nose, I find that if I take a shower, and then come out and notice a pleasing aroma, not overpowering to where I get a headache, it is a good test.

    Thank you.

    I am sticking with my nice, little, jelly jars for now. If I had to deal with double-wicking, I think I'd be too nervous. One was challenge enough!

    Holly, you are a brave, brave, woman! I really, really, enjoy the soy candle making too.

  8. Hi Fern,

    I have been dying to hear if you went to Ocean State Job Lot and if you had any luck finding the pretty bowls? I sure hope you find them, or something pretty, and at a good price. I am still keeping my eyes open, if I find anything, I will let you know.

    Did your area get flooding after the rains stopped? I thought you may not have made it out to shop due to that horrid storm.

    I live in Taunton...we are still waiting for the damn dam to break or hold....big waiting game (we got almost a foot of rain). The dam(s) are a few miles from me, so thank God we are safe. Very scary for our friends and neighbors though. My phone has been ringing off the hook all day. I am exhausted, got up early to watch the news and make some calls so ppl wouldn't worry that it was us in the flood zone.

    Anyway, let me know if you found something good.


  9. So then, is it a bad thing to use soy to make tarts?

    I have been using CBA2, but I was going to try the EZ to see if it had a firmer form. I know that the CBA2 tarts that I made are delicate, but I don't know if that will deter me. I am thinking with coming up with some sort of hand rolled form to cover the softness.

  10. Hi Vicky,

    Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this one....I saw on one web site where it said: "you should strive to achieve a full melt pool in 3-4 hours"......! What is that?

    Who wants to light a candle and wait 3-4 hours to smell it?

    What is right, and how can one know? It worries me a lot. How do I know if I have the right wick for the right product. I use CB Advanced 2, and LX 24 wicks. The sides are clean. Every scent I try, seems to burn at the same rate. Is this bad? The LX 22's worked great with EZ soy, but not at all with CBA2, and the LX 26...forgedaboudit...way too high a flame. Just how long should an 8 oz jelly jar burn? What should I be striving for, time-wise? What am I not getting?

    Man, is this exasperating! I'm starting to think that the word 'wick' is short for 'wicked'!

    Thanks for your helpful insight.

  11. Ditto here, I haven't smelled a thing for two weeks.

    If I stick one more candle under my husband's nose.....he's gonna start thinking his name is 'here, smell this'!

    I put a piece of masking tape going lengthwise down the jars using a marker pen. It makes it much easier to do side-by-side comparisons, and I'm not having to constantly check lengthy notes. I put all pertinent information: i.e., fragrance, wick, and dye info. I also notch each time I relight the test candle to keep a visual account of how much wax burns - noting the hours of each burn test, or what time I stopped and started. The tape can be removed and reapplied to see all sides, and all of the info can be transferred to permanent notes. When all is well, remove the tapes.

    Anything to make things easier, I don't need any more confusion.

  12. Thank you Heatsink and Top,

    I do understand the explanation of the cooling too fast, I didn't understand as well when I read it by other writers. You explained it very well, and it makes perfect sense. It was like a lightbulb going on. It just makes so much sense.

    I have read in a few areas of the forum, that there are additives to use to fix various types of problems.

    Do I have to add something to soy, or can I keep it just fragrance or fragrance and dye? I really would rather not. I just don't want to start messing with the formula, I feel as though I would have to start all over again with testing just when I have hit my stride. That would discourage me greatly.

    I have found that pouring at a much cooler temp of 115-118 seems to work at eliminating the air pockets and sink holes. As long as I stick to that, I don't have any problems. This has produced several good candles. Many of the supply sites advise a pour temp of 126 and over - without heating the jars. I just don't get it. I tried it, it failes miserably, and now I am back to my original formula, and everything has just fallen into place beautifully.

    Anyway, thank you both for this valuable information.

    It is very much appreciated.

  13. Well, I was going to post that I tried making the candle....clarity.....big problem.

    The scene was great, I really thought that I had done a good job.

    Also, suffice to say, I think I am going to ditch the 'color' idea. At least until I get the clarity issue resolved. I am experimenting, and enjoying the challenge.

    It is a great idea, and I love the candles. I have so many embeds and ideas.

    Oh, well, like anything else, one step at a time.

    I think that it is a true testament to Margie that she stuck with it, and has produced something so beautiful and unique, that people want to follow in her footsteps. It is true, practice makes perfect.

    I promise to heed her advice and not embarass her, or others in our soy community, I will do it right, and make it safe, or not at all.

    Thank you, Margie.

  14. Hi Sunni,

    I got wet spots my first time out with the EZ Soy. I gave it a quick blast with the heat gun, and they went away. I did not get any with CB Advanced 2. However, when I did get them in the EZ, I checked a thread here and someone advised to pour cooler. Now, as long as I pour at about 115-118, I don't get them.

    Works for me, I hope it goes well for you.

    You'll know without a doubt if it is an airhole, that is a hole, or cavern - I was getting those too, I tried pouring at 128-130 just to see what would happen...I found out really quickly, and went back to 115-118.

  15. Hi Lynn,

    I'd be happy to help.

    You can try: http://www.candlethings.com/GlassEmbeds.html

    Or: http://www.silkytyme.com/embeds.html

    Another place where I picked up some fishes and flowers was: http://www.orientaltrading.com/

    These were some of my favorite haunts for embeds and decorations.

    All sorts of stuff to get your creative imagination going

    Some of the items at Oriental Trading are a Fimo Clay, that is acceptable also. You would never put anything that couldn't stand up to the heat, and the FO...FO will melt plastic. Do a web search for Forever Candles...that may give you some ideas as well and will lead you to some of the gel candle sites for lots of pics and ideas.

    You can use glass beads or sea glass - I saw some at Wal-Mart - I wouldn't try to use sand.

    Wal-Mart has the fishy bowls...not too big...perfect size. They were in the candle glass section. I wish I could tell you what I paid for them, I just checked, no prices on them.

    I am going to give it a try tomorrow. Wish me luck! eeekkk new project!

    I am sure that you will enjoy.

    If you have any problems or questions, I'm here!

    Good Luck!

    I just remembered, Oriental Trading has tons of little shells! Waaay cheaper than any of the embed sites, and star fish, and sea urchins...

  16. Do you have an Ocean State Job Lot down your way?

    I was thinking of this same thing. I wsn't sure if I was going to do tarts, but I decided to give it a try. Made my first batch today.

    They have some pretty nice little stoneware bowls, some are like a blue asian pattern. Can't beat some of those bargain stores. Also, I went to

    Christmas Tree Shop last Sunday. They had little glass, Libbey, bowls decorated with trees, or holly leaves...with plastic lids. Grabbed a dozen @ a buck a piece. They also had candle shades...2/3.00 for the small, 2.99 for the larger. Really cute. Some had scarecrows, and there were a lot of Christmas and Winter patterns. Scoop!

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