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Posts posted by Beth

  1. What's the diameter of the MP in your warmer? What's the diameter of the MP in your container? I try to match those when testing for HT...

    If the container isn't throwing, try a different wick... It isn't gonna start to throw better while you enjoy the scent from your warmer!! ;)

    I know, lol. My CDs will be here in a day or 2. I'm trying to regroup and get psyched up to try again.. I still have others to burn to see what happens. The CT from Fresh, Baked Bread is unreal... if there's no HT from that one, I really should give this up, lol.

  2. Not sure what has been discussed in this thread but of containers of a similar diameter BUT using 464, I will use a CD10 wick so I would suggest a CD8 or CD10 depending on how they work in C3 and with your FO. I don't use ECOs so I am of no help there. Again, get some wick sample packs and multiple containers and do side by side tests.

    I just ordered multiple sizes of CDs this morning. I'll let ya know! :)

  3. So if you:

    are happy with the quality of your FOs (put some scented wax in a tart warmer to see if it throws well there),

    are satisfied with the burn quality of the wick (ie. does not sputter, flicker, mushroom excessively, produce soot or smoke; achieves FMP on the 2nd or 3rd test burn; burns to the end without overheating the container; cleans the container of hangup (but not necessarily residue),

    have cured your candles for a week but still have unacceptable HT and everything else is working just fine,

    then you may want to test a different brand of wick to see if it will give you better performance with HT.

    Thank you so much.

    Next on to-do list: try it on a warmer. Then on to a different wick if needed.

    Thank you so much :)

  4. I'm looking for a few new scents and a few places that I have never ordered have some interesting ones. I am looking for info on From Nature With Love, how are the oils? I see a lot of them say they are not soy compatible but overall do you have any comments. Thanks

    Good grief, that's a lot of FOs they carry!

    Never mind.... they're multiple-listed...lol

  5. On the C3 Handling Sheet, it says this at the bottom:

    "* The recommended fragrance load for this wax is 6% or less, although a 7 to 10% fragrance loads may be added with the addition of additives to help control the fragrance."

    What additives are they referring to in this case?

    I am nowhere near satisfied with the HT I'm getting so far; often it's nonexistent. Would you suggest I try the wicks you use, as opposed to the ECOs I currently use?

  6. Beth are you using a baby food jar by any chance? I also had good luck with getting a good ht from baby food jars. I just wish they were bigger hehe! Very Vanilla from CS gives me a very good ht as well as violet lime. I have found that to cut down on the frosting I insulate the candles in towels while they are cooling, maybe you can try that and see if it makes a difference for you.

    No, if I had known I was going to develop this sick, little addiction, I would've hoarded my daughter's jars! She just turned 2 in July...lol. Oh well...

    I've been cooling in the countertop convection oven after I warm the jars and turn the oven off. My tops are usually okay, except for the "C3 ring" sometimes, as I call it. And I have noticed lately, even on my no-dye jars, that some are pulling away from the sides of the jars. It's hit & miss every batch I make! grrrr... I see why some people only use tins! :)

  7. I suspected as much. That color with some FOs frosts like early winter!! Browns are kinda notorious... I had better luck when I swirled brown in with a pale orange, but plain brown or tan or rust - things get very frosty.... It might be the FO, too...

    From CS, the lavender vanilla is far more pleasing than the review would lead one to believe... Very vanilla is always a good one; oak moss and amber I have heard good reports on and I am dying to try it since I soaped my sample of it... (it was to die for)... when I get home, I'll see if I can sco\rounge up my CS list for ya...

    Thank you... I am compiling my "Stella Bible" ya know... ;)

    Last night I made a few Twigs & Berries from CandleScience... nasty OOB, but i hope it's better burning. It's a lot fruitier than I would've thought.

  8. Beth, how much Fo did you use? Any dye? How's the candle's appearance... any frosting or rough tops?

    C3 has an awesome cold throw, also. Many folks I know leave the candles I sell them uncapped between burns to enjoy the cold throw... I have one friend who has never burned ONE of the candles I have sent to her... She uncaps them and puts them around like potpourri to scent her rooms... I told her next time, I wasn't even gonna put a wick in... She says they are special because I made them for her and she doesn't wanna burn them... I keep telling her they are NOT collectors items - burn the danged things!! Maybe if I send her another haul for Christmas, she'll break down and burn a few...

    I did actually use some dye on it, kind of a rusty color... and it was probably the worst, frosted candle I've made yet! But the HT made me not even care, lol. I've been sticking with 1 oz FO pp so far..this candle has to be a fluke, because I haven't made any others yet with such HT. But I'm working on it! :)

  9. The Wicks Unltd. Chart shows the ROC for Eco wicks to be .26 for Eco8/ .27 for Eco10/ .28 for Eco 12.

    I seem to have better luck with glass jars, but I'm trying to conquer 4 oz tins.. 2 5/8" diameter- C3 wax. My testing shows my ROC to be around .10 for these 3 wicks. I've read that Eco 10/12 is a good starting point for this size tin. I'd love to know what you all use for this size tin if you use C3. Thanks!

  10. . . . . .I'm so confused! What is the next thing someone will shove up their noses!! But my question is if anyone knows if they are just using the term "bath salts" as a in general term or is this all bath salts? Or is there a particular brand? They mention a couple "names" but no brand. I was hoping to try learning to make bath salts, i just figured it was salt and essential oils. . . . .what is it that makes it so potentially dangerous?


    Totally forgot to put the link in there


    Looks like it depends on the actual ingredients used:


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