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Everything posted by floristtn

  1. I am not looking to teach a class. the place I saw this at, i went to the counter bought a taper candle and they had an island with 3-4 vats of wax and 1 of water, where we simply "made" our own candles. Obviously I was not intending on reading this forum and then teaching a class. I was just trying to find general information and terms. thanks for your advice.
  2. I am wanting to offer "candle making" in my gift shop. I have been to amusement parks and the like where a store gave me 2 white taper candles strung together and all we did was dip them in wax/water/wax/water etc. I have searched and searched the internet for information on this but have come up with nothing. Does anyone have information on what equipment I would need for this, how exactly it is done, where do I get the equipment etc. I would greatly greatly appreciate any tips and advice on this. thank you.
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