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Posts posted by 001

  1. Scentsy warmers warm to 130-135. Scentsy wax melts at 125. I have also used straight container wax in clamshells and the only problem I saw was the wax not releasing well from the warmer. Some customers don't mind, they melt and pour it out but really asking people to handle wax that could burn them is too much for me, so I blend container and pillar together so they do pop out, and throw awesomely.

  2. I actually have the Droid 3, and I do use the virtual keyboard more often than anything else, and talk to text while I'm driving but when I hand it over to a customer to sign and put their email in I slide out the keyboard for them. The best part of the Droid 3's keyboard is there is a dedicated number line up top (no alt keys) and a dedicated @ sign which is handy. It is a little bulky though, especially with a case on it.

  3. You do need to use water, they are just a better looking version of smelly jelly though I think they work better than the normal polymers they use for smelly jelly, the space between lets a little more air flow through them picking up scent (I think) I haven't made these in a long time though I do remember doing like 1/4-1/2 ounce fragrance oil 1/2 ounce emulsifier (I used unscented dish soap) to a gallon of water, shake it up and add the polymers, I'm sure someone can give a better recipe, or you can search out smelly jellies on here I bet there is a ton of other information.

    Good luck

  4. I was wondering if anybody has burned a votivo to the bottom? Are the wicks really not attached to the bottom? The reason I ask is that I was flipping through a gallery on Candles Off Main's facebook page showing their visit to the votivo factory. Their wicking process seems to be against almost anything I learned about candle safety... If you flip through the pictures it seems like they warm the containers, fill with wax, drop a wick in, wait for it to solidify slightly, center the wick in the candle slush and then re-melt to smooth the tops (with a salamander like thing.) This means their wick is not attached at all to the bottom of the container. Is this true? Would there be any situation where this is safe? It just seems odd that a $25 6.8 ounce candle would have such an obvious safety issue.

  5. Not bad Jackie, I've been meaning to try this, and I know when I get around to it my firsts will probably not look as good as these.

    If you put lots of coats of wax on the candles they will be lumpy like that or it could be water drops that didn't drip off before the next coat was put on. You wouldn't have even noticed the lumps if the carving was all the way up to the top. Probably got a bit too hard to finish but that's normal starting out. After about 100 candles there's nothing to it. 34 years ago this month I started making them for a living.

    Always keep your first candle of any new thing you make. Looks like you have a good start.


    Hey, I've seen you on YouTube. 100 candles huh? Do you think you could learn with 100 lbs of wax? Could you re-melt them if they aren't highly colored? I want to try these and I think I can do it, and I think it would be fun but the $ is stopping me right now but I think 100 lbs would be ok.

  6. Any wax that melts at or below 125 will work in a scentsy warmer. There is nothing special about their warmers besides the fact that they are low temp melters hovering between 130 and 140 in it's warmest spots. Some parts of the warming bowl may be below 130 so it may solidify higher melt point waxes especially around the edges.

  7. Personally I get a slightly stronger throw with pb/4627 @ 75/25% but I use PB/464 combo most of the time. The difference to me is not worth the extra few cents. My customers don't notice at all and would prefer a wholly soy product so that is what I produce. I do suggest you try it though, never hurts to try and if you can get wicking down 4627 is an awesome throwing candle wax. Good luck

  8. Pillars suck? I guess if you don't know how to make them! Pillars are pillars and container candles (which theirs are 100 percent) are container candles. No one, not even the giant Yankee, can change this.

    No I hate making any candle in a mold, it is time consuming and messy. In addition I can't pre-label or pre-wick. I also have to have a paraffin wax exclusively for pillars as my tarts are soy or parasoy blend and since I don't make too many pillars buying a pallet of wax for a cost break really isn't an option like it is with my other stock waxes.

    I also was not saying that these are pillars, they clearly are not but Scentsy are not candles but they are approaching a billion dollars in sales selling wickless candles. Being the size and shape of the most popular pillars out there these are designed to fill the space a pillar would while being safer. They also have a smooth color, like the Yankee Candles that are made for Target. If they make these what people think of when they think of pillars I will be happy, very very happy. In no time we'll see glasses this size hit the suppliers and pouring them will be a breeze. And.... we can't forget this is $20 for a 12 ounce candle. Margins will be great.

  9. Two things... one at 55 seconds you can see their pillar candles tunneling, especially the one on the right. Could be intentional but I doubt it ant it looks like it is a little too deep to 'fix' with a powerburn.

    Two... I think this is great. Pillars suck. I hate making them and would prefer doing a thinner jar candle if they can make this the new standard in pillars I will be thankful.

    And I have to say a little bit here too... Yankee has been trying out a bigger by smaller mentality when it comes to business. Lately they have been embracing giveaways with smaller companies mirroring what small handmade companies are doing. I also see them expanding their product line to keep pace with smaller companies that have the ability to try out products and implement them quickly. I have also heard a rumor they may be looking to revitalize their wickless lineup including a different tart style. They are also branching into different label styles and lines to diversify their stores which they are continuing to open while pushing their wholesale customers aside... on top of that they are oddly venturing into an edibles line. Such an interesting move considering they are still trapped under a heap of debt, though i admit their just over 5 million dollar loss this last quarter it is much better than the previous year's at I believe 8 million dollar loss. Just some things I have noticed....

  10. They actually didn't say whether it was one time or not, I assume the first one would be more expensive and then a smaller setup fee to get the machines ready. I was trying to think of something and I was thinking of a circle in the center divided into four and then the corners being compartments themselves making 8 compartments, likely holding just under 2.8 ounces. It is different, simple, can go with just about any business, and will still fit within the 1500 series machine. It was only a thought though I don't mind what they look like as long as they are different.

  11. I just ordered a case as well, I also got a rough estimate on how much a custom shell would be. Within the same 1500 dimensions the setup would be roughly $500 and the minimum order would be 5,000 shells.

  12. Mac Apple from CS didn't throw for you? I was testing it one day (one cube 464/ecosoyapb blend in an electric warmer) it was so strong in the house I could taste it and my neighbor called me to ask me what scent I had burning because she could smell it wafting into her yard.

  13. ScentSationals can only be acquired by brick and mortar stores and cannot technically be sold online or at shows from what the user agreement says. I am interested to know walmart only makes .25-.40 on each of the bars they sell. (I am assuming they get an additional discount)

  14. I don't know if they have burned the bridge really I think if they came out with a candle that they claim doesn't soot with a low melt point wax they can claim they reinvented the wheel and turned the candle scene upside down. The new, safer candle by scentsy.

    I do agree with you that I am happy they are doing what they are doing. I really enjoy warming over burning, the quality and depth of fragrance imo is better. With burning its a little more subtle. I am glad now I don't need to go through a 30 minute conversation with each customer on the virtues of warming. All because of scentsy!

  15. Here is what I've learned about scentsy...

    Melt point is 125

    They are told to demo saying it melts just above body temperature and to dip their fingers into the side of the warmer where the wax is cooler.

    They claim the paraffin is food grade. (yum... fossil fats)

    They want people who sign up with Scentsy to book 3 parties in a week and they are taught that those who you give money to are the best to ask for bookings. (Hair dresser, for instance)

    Sell 20 warmers in your first month

    Get the booking at the party - They are most off guard at that point, so book the date and lock it in.

    Theme the parties. Distract them with food and liquid refreshments so they don't pay attention to the money they are spending.

    Sell the lifestyle. Don't sell your downline on money but things. Boats, cars, cruises and keep in touch with them. Pressure them for parties and down line.

    Use stupid names like superstar and director.

    Praise melting and use the words soot, soot rings, and carcinogens (for the intellectual bunch)

    Mention 10 hours per cube but not "up to"

    Sell it on savings. A $30 warmer and $5 for 2.6 ounces of wax is steep so tell them each $5 bar has the same fragrance time as a large jar candle at a cost of $25.95 so every time you buy a $5 cube of wax you save over $20 what an effin deal!

    Explain the growth and how they can too be a superstar director... and if they fail it is their fault. they obviously aren't popular enough for the pyramid- strike that multi-level... no strike that. Unique business opportunity.

    I give scentsy credit though they really have a matrix set up that is conducive for growth, and hey if they want to drive the boat through the industry I am happy to surf the bow waves.

  16. I haven't tried it but you might want to try rubbing alcohol of the oils fail. Most dyes will dissolve into the alcohol and if you just leave them out the alcohol will just evaporate hopefully depositing the color onto the beads. I would probably only do about a teaspoon or two of alcohol to a pound of beads though, just enough to coat it lightly. Just a thought.

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