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Cody Wellard

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  1. I recently made a batch of soap that seized on me. I am not great on re-batching so I stirred it as much as I could with a spatchula and then used my gloved hands to ensure it was all mixed well and then took handfuls and put it into my wooden lined mold. I let it sit overnight and then took it out, it was very rough and crude looking but smell awesome! I had used a rose essential oil. I then cut roughly into sections too small amounts (approx. a tablespoon full) rolled it into balls, I worked it in my hands first until it was soft and pliable. I am going to make another batch of soap using the same color but going a few shades darker and plan to place the balls into the soap loaf. Will post a photo when finished. Cheers! Cody Wellard
  2. I have seen silicone heart molds in the Dollar Store and in Super Store, They were both very inexpensive. Cheers! Cody Wellard
  3. When I first started making soap, I lined my wooden molds with meat wrapping paper. It was a miserable job, getting all of the measurements exact as well as very expensive. I came by another technique quite by accident and would like to share it with you. I changed over to lining my molds with new black garbage bags which I cut into sections to fit my wooden molds. I found that I could get a nice square loaf if prior to placing the black plastic I poured a cup of warm water into the mold, rolled it around so that the bottom of the mold and sides were wet, and then poured out the excess water. The plastic now sticks to the sides and bottom of the wooden mold. You can push out any air bubbles as well as pushing the corners right into place. You can reuse the plastic several times, cutting costs. Cheers! Cody Wellard
  4. I love the green soap, what did you use for the color. It looks like a great soap for a man. Cheers Cody Wellard
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