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  1. This is why I like forums what a fantastic idea & I would never have thought of that :yay:
  2. No real heat just tea lights & the sides are 6 inch's each one so a reasonable gap away from the flame, is that the same as Microcrystalline hard, if so how would you recommend I use it.
  3. Hi Stella thanks for the reply. Yes it's a Hurricane lantern & I know normally they are made in a mould but I'm making them from a poured out slab as we want to embed all manner of things like stained glass, marbles, shells etc & I would have a greater freedom of what, where & how I make them this way & have an old mitre box so I can cut the corners to 45 degrees but they will need gluing.
  4. Hi I'm new to candle making, but what I'd like to know is if I make a Storm lantern can I use a hot glue gun to glue the 4 sides together or can I only use wax glue. Thanks Ken
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