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  1. Thanks so much!! Yes, that was kind of what I was getting at, since when I don't use the wick pin, the wick kind of "prime's" itself.? I have burned about 6 of them, some all the way down and some are close. They seem to have burned well, no blowouts or anything, melt pool leaves 1/2" border of unmelted wax. As they burn they leave a thin wall around the melt pool, which i'm not crazy about, but from my reading that is how soy pillar candles are supposed to burn. I will try to prime the wick and give it another go! Thanks so much, your quick response is much appreciated!!! nencika
  2. hi all... so, i've been reading posts (very informative) and now i have a question myself.. i just started candlemaking (love it!) but i may have bit off more than i can chew....i making pillar candles as wedding reception favors ( i need 100 and i'm at 80 now). i have been testing around every 10th one (i make 10 at a time) and lately its been every 20th. i purchased lx 24 wicks from candle science and the last candle i tested, the wick will not light (i move the lighter away and flame dies immediately). could it possibly be because this one that i tested, i used a wick pin, just to try them out because the 79 candles before that i threaded through the mold with the sticky putty substance to seal the bottom. i tested the wick that is unused as of yet and is still on the roll by trying to light it and it also will not stay lit. is this normal? i'm not sure if my wicks got bad somewhere in the roll, or if it has something to do with the fact that there is no wax on the wick itself (because the tested one <wick pin>, was inserted after wax cooled) and thats why its not burning. i'm using ecosoay pillar blend, lx 24 wicks in a spool, 3x3.5" molds, this batch was brown (coffee) liquid dye from peak candle and banana nut bread fo from peak. no other additives. thx and any insight would be greatly appreciated! i don't want to start testing (ruining)more candles because i'm running out of time, but obviously don't want to give candles that aren't going to burn either! yikes... nencika
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