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Posts posted by rctfavr3

  1. Orris. It's not resinous but it does impart some of the qualities you mentioned.

    Another option would be an agarwood based fragrance. An Oud/agarwood mixed with a euphoric citric anise would be interesting.

    Copal is also a good option.

    Come to think of it...I think I just my try a blend and see what I can come up with.

  2. I just started playing with a small quantity of nail polish base however I this product stinks and because of the warning instructions I am concerned with proper storage. For those of you who make and sell nail polish how do you store your base.

    Where do you purchase nail polish base?

  3. Those are cute. Good job!

    Lol on the fair fish, I got a fish at the fair once and I had it for 4 years!

    I know it's off topic, but I have to congratulate you on having it live for more than 4 "days!" Wow.

  4. Well, all said and done It looks like I'll be mixing two FOs to get my ideal scent. LOL! CS Very Vanilla and WSP's Vanilla Bean Noel. I've put in my order so we'll see! If all's good -- I'll try and have the "Very Vanilla Bean" blend duped at my go to supplier! Thanks everyone!

  5. Any recommendations for a cloyingly sweet uber realistic vanilla scent something that I can smell at arms length inside the bottle? I'm looking to switch from my current supplier. I don't care about discoloring, etc. But I need an intense vanilla fragrance. Something that can hold it's own in blends and work as a standalone.

  6. Anyone use Glucam P-20? It's a humectant carrier additive used in fragrances to make them last longer. It's a fairly new additive, that's been used in perfumery for about 3 years now. It's said to improve the longevity of a fragrance and boost top and middle notes. I wonder if this would also carry over into candlemaking. Making FOs stronger i.e. better hot throw, etc. It's not a phthalate or solvent so I assume it'd be safe. From what I've read it seems to be a bi-product of corn. It has little to no smell. I'm really interested in this stuff.

    Anyone here try it?

  7. A dupe of "Ocean" by Pier 1 - Willow Woods carried one that was spot on. No floral notes. Just salty ocean. That and her "Clean Cotton" Yankee dupe. They both threw like crazy in my wax so I could use less FO. To this day I have found Clean Cottons that smell the same oob but die in my wax. And absolutely no one carries the Ocean...every sea/ocean scent has some sort of floral note in there which just makes it perfumey. And I would love a Pumpkin that is really pumpkin instead of cinnamon and clove. The search continues...

    Sounds like you and I are in the same boat, trying to find those FOs. If you ever come across any that work PLEASE don't hessitate to Post here or PM me! I'd love a true Ocean by Pier 1 dupe and a strong pumpkin FO.

  8. The name is very catchy and unique! I like it. I agree with another poster that it lends itself to primitive-styled design. For the logo, I'd recomend choosing warm colors, red, orange, brown, maroon, burgandy, etc. If you were to play up the primitive aspect you'll be more likely to find inspiration for the design. For your site, think about textures in particular. They would add alot of visual interest. Have fun! If you need help with the design shoot me a PM.

  9. If you want a consistant similar smelling FO each time you'll be better off making your own.

    To hit all the different note of various candle scents quickly and with using the least amount of FOs you might could try a blend of:

    Witches Brew (homey/spice/wood)

    Oakmoss (cologne/fresh earth/powder)

    Rose ( floral/powder)

    Blueberry Cobbler(vanilla/fruit/pie bakery)

    Fresh Linen(clean)

    All that's missing is your mild mint herbal not sure what to recomend for that though. Might want to skip those notes.

  10. I've noticed there seems to be a lot of suppliers on etsy now and pretty good prices. I know the old saying, you get what you pay for but has anyone found any great suppliers or fo's on etsy?

    Dawn aka Indigo. Her fragrances are great!

  11. Sugar Cookie--I've tried everything recommended for years but just don't get jazzed about any of them.

    Ocean--I give up. I live on the ocean. I've tried Peak's and TSW and just get NOTHING--from wax or cp.

    I tend to agree about the pumpkin comment--I "like" what I smell when I cut into a pumpkin, but I'm not in love with it. I like the spicy or bake scent.

    Right now I'm having a difficult time finding a Cucumber Melon that sticks--and I always used AH with no problem. Now it's just not cutting it for me in cp.

    One of the better Sugar Cookie scents I've tried recently was from Walmart believe it or not! It was a simmer oil but it smelled REALLY goood.

  12. I was told by a very well known fragrance supplier that a plain pumpkin without any spice would really not have much of a scent to it without a spice note. Hmmmmm! (?)

    This is somewhat true. But, even a mellow scent has it's place in perfumery/candlemaking. I find it odd that it's difficult to find. A true pumpkin (the gourd) has a great smell! But, finding an FO that's reminescent -- is a challenge. MOST Pumpkin FOs ARE a varying combination of Nutmeg and Vanilla with other suporting notes used to playdown the Pumpkin and playup the "Pie" or "Spice" etc.

    I managed to create a pretty realistic "Pumpkin" scent using the following FOs: Tonka Bean, Nutmeg, Basil Sweet, Fig, Galbanum. but I can't find a manufacturer that will dupe it without paying an arm and/or leg and I can not keep making it as it cost too much for the individual FOs. Back to topic, I did see that both CandleChem and Chemessence offers a straight pumpkin FO. I have yet to try either. So here's hoping. I still need to see about having my blend duped.

    Now to find a true ocean scent!!! and a Rum liquer scent.

  13. Just wanted to piggyback on this thread to say how much I LOATH FragranceBuddy's Pumpkin. I'm not one to usually complain about an FO as they all have redeeming qualities but when a fragrance oil claims to be "Pumpkin" and nothing but an unadulterated slice of pumpkin...I shouldn't smell ONLY nutmeg. I did not like this one at all. Why is a straight Pumpkin scent so hard to find? Ugh!!!

    Is Perfect Pumpkin any better? I just can't find a good pumpkin FO...:cry2:

  14. Ugh! I wish I could remember. I think it was a place in Florida or Alabama and they had great pictures to go with their scent descriptions. It was clearly $1 an oz. The didn't offer much but mostly the usuals...bread types, fruits, baby powder and a musk or two. The site was real professional. If memory serves I THINK it had closed and opened under a new owner. No I'm not thinking of Community Candle. Dang it! This is really buggin me!? LOL.

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