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Posts posted by DreamCatchersDesign

  1. Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm just wondering though if it depends on what state you are in?? I'll have to check into this...I too would find it worthy having FAQ about the home starting a Home Candle Business. I really liked the link Steve left me where I can find the products. I'm going to browse the internet a bit more and see what I can come up with to read!

  2. I did sell three of my candles to two friends, one of them is the lady of the store. They were the ones who told me that something is wrong with the candles. Because of them I can now focus on what is going wrong. Thanks to you two I also know now that I'll have to experiment until I found the candle that is done right. Bernadette, I wasn't lying about the store! However, just like me this person doesn't know much about candles so we took them all off the shelf and I told her we'll try again once I have everything figured out!

  3. Oh, I completely understand what you are saying Steve. I'm not looking for people's hard-earned trade secrets, I'm looking for feedback so I can learn. The lady that wanted my candles has her own store, she was just interested in my candles...I have done research and that is why I came here. However, if nobody wants to give me feedback because then they are giving me their hard-earned trade secrets, how can I learn then??

  4. Someone is interested in selling my candles in her store but I have been coming across some problems with the candles. First I found out that I need thicker wick or put two in a container. So I fixed that...Now the lady told me that my candles don't give out any scents although I put more then enough scent in it. Can someone help me because I'm absolutely lost here! Are there certain online stores that you prefer or like where the scents work?? Please I really need some feedback!!

  5. Hi everyone,

    This is my first time in my life that I join a candle forum:cheesy2: I recently took up candle making as I was without a job for a while. I brought three of my candles to a store where a friend of mine works and they were sold in 15 minutes time. It was then that I decided to join a forum so I can learn more about the candle making.

    With that said, I would like to know how you measure how much candle wax you need to make a certain candle!:confused:

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