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heavenly scents

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Posts posted by heavenly scents

  1. i use facebook as my main marketing tool. i have several personal friends of mine that sell my candles for me. what i did was instead of creating a fan page i created a page solely for my business and when i post pics i tag my salesman in them and vice versa. so when people add my candle page they actually send a friend request although one is not needed to post on my wall to ask questions or to see my pics. what this does is allows for a friends list that has people on it that in someway shape form or fashion knows one of my salesman personally or has tried my product and found their way to my page. as my salesman are constantly posting about our product their entire friends list sees thier post and can either deal directly with them or try to cut the middle man out which never works because they dont want to drive to the shop or pay shipping lol so they end up browsing my candle page looking at the scent lists and then just placing their order with the salesman. i have set my sales team up to cover the entire northwest corner of mississippi and southwest tennesse. if one of my salesman have a friend that wants some candles but lives too far from the salesman they will just refer them to the salesman that works their area....it has worked extremely well for me......now for give aways we will do a few every so often and the way we do it is by giving our sales man a couple of free candles to give away and they will make up a game and the winner gets their choice of scent. it makes for a better contest because it gets people involved who might not know who we are but know our salesman so in return you reach more people that have a higher percentage of being return customers as they know the person involved in selling the candles not like a fan page who just is open to the masses that generally dont know the person selling the product. also when the giveaway is over the other people who played the game will almost all the time comment on how they wish they would have won and the people who do win post on how great they are on the salesmans wall which in return makes the other friends of his want to try one even more to the point where they will order one just to try.....hell their only 5 bucks lol.

    now some will say that since im new i dont have a clue about candle sales or didnt test enough or this or that and that matter has already been ridin into the dirt so i would really rather not go there on your post. i was just able to tell how i do what i do on facebook and it works for me! please dont try to copy me and blame me if it doesnt work for you. i have really dedicated sales people who i have been friends with for years and i owe all my success to them. all i do is give them good tools to work with and we in return make money together without greed taking over.

  2. take a baseball bat down to the florists and beat the owners head in then simply walk out......j/j

    the way i see it you have two options

    1. fight back with negative comments about the owner of the flower shop and there products or

    2. open a candle shop next door to the florist and sell flowers as well as your candles and undersell the greedy bastard

    3. just throwing it out there.........burn his store down

  3. i personally use 4627 and i love it. everyone says its messy and it is to a certain extent but if you wear latex exam gloves you wont have a hard time cleaning your hands up. as far as the 6006 i cannot answer that one as i have never used it. i used 4633 and i seemed to smell something like a fuel smell when it burned i tried 4627 and it blew my socks off as far as ct and ht. only thing i have found with the 4627 is that you need to wick up.

    but hey what do i know i've only been making candles for two months

  4. sharon i have tried to single wick with all kinds of wicks and only got a melt pool after 15 hours. with the double wicks i get a good melt pool and it burns fine for a few hours but after 6 or so hours they start smoking to high heavens. i would really prefer to single wick this container but i am most definately at my wits end:(

  5. lol ok eric i searched that link and gave those people a call and they are very helpfull and even offered to send me some free samples of what they thought would work. they are sending me some eco wicks. the only thing that confuses me is when i was placing my order with lonestar and asked them about the problems i was having they said eco wouldnt work and suggested papercore wicks.......so needless to say i have papercore and eco wicks on the way.... i swear if i ever get this container figured out im not going to try any others for a while lmao. thanks for all your help

  6. lol eric i read your post earlier and i can relate with you 100 percent on people making the assumption about chandlers being women or just gay men lmao. my wife and myself just recently got into this hobby and we both really enjoy it and it helps us spend time together. as for my question i think you may have helped answer it a lil bit i just gotta go google the devil out of flame height and meltpool a different way. i have been trying to wick a couple different containers this week and have not found a wick that will give me a full meltpool on one of my containers so i thought i need a hotter wick........i am going to go back to good ole google and get my reading on thanks for the info on how i need to go about finding my answer i have been googling which is the hottest lol

  7. Welcome. You forgot to put on your list a cat. It has to be a special cat. One that is smart. It has to go beyond the basics of leaving the flame alone and know that its whiskers don't take well to that sort of thing.

    It has to help you.

    Help with printer jams is natural to them. Most run when there's a bad FO. They'll separate your tart molds if you leave them on the floor in a pile. Most importantly, they can select a wick for you if you drape a few over the desk for them to examine.

    lol that is what i have been doing wrong........i'm heading out to adopt one now

  8. sliver this is the dreaded jar i am having problems with. i too have also read to try an htp but the 1212 is the largest i can find and it is nowhere near big enough. ive seen these containers made by various different store bought candles and they always have a single wick. i really do not want to single wick this container if at all possible. if you had all the different types of wicks laid out on a table with largest of each type represented which one would you say is the hottest?

    here is the jar


  9. thanks guys for all the help. im just wondering if anyone who uses the comfort blend can lend me some insight as to which type of wick seems to burn the hottest in it? because it seems like none of the styles i have tried will get hot enough to give a full meltpool and i have tried all of the largest sizes i can find of them.

  10. for the last week i have been testing a 31oz libbey storage container and for the life a me i cannot find a wick that will work as a single. i have also tried double wicking the jar and the candle burns great with very nice ht but if the candle is left for a power burn say over 6+ hours it starts smoking and sooting something terrible. i have tried single wicks in the sizes of zinc 51, 60, and 62 none worked lx 22,24,28,30 none worked also i have tried htp 105, and 1212 and neither of these worked either. i double wicked with zinc 44's and didnt get full meltpool after two hours. i then tried dual 51and got full meltpool and good burn but after the power burn they failed because of smoking. it almost seemed like the wax was burning quicker than the wick. i mean the wicks were about 3/4 of an inch out of the wax. can anyone please point me in the right direction as to what style of wick would burn hotter than the above mentioned? i have seen this jar with a single wick at yankee candle and they burn fine. i have read and read and read and ordered wicks of what i thought would put on the right track but obviously i fell short. i havent tried eco wicks because all the guides i read say they are for vegetable wax and im using 4627. if anyone could shed some light as to what wicks are hotter than others please do so and save me the embarassment of walking around with patches of hair missing *shudder*

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