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Everything posted by UntilDeathDoUsPart

  1. Very nice!!! Do you create your own labels or use a supplier?
  2. Thanks! I am thinking about trying candlescience out first. I just ordered and received a great book about soy candles. If anyone is interested the name is The Ultimate Guide To Soy Candlemaking by Jameel D. Nolan. It covers all the basics on making them, as well as information on suppliers and packaging and shipping. It even has tips on selling!
  3. Thanks for all the responses! I was thinking about ordering a kit to play around with while i read up more on it. Any suggestions on a good beginners kit?
  4. Hi, my name is Chris and I am new to candles. I am hoping to really enjoy and get into them. My grandmother used to own a candle shop in Belgium, but she passed away before I was born, and my mother didn't really pick up on it. I have been looking through the forums and really enjoy the atmosphere and people here. Also, very helpful information. ^.^ I have a few questions to start off, lol. I was looking into suppliers and posts on here and have pretty much figured out that I will need to find one I will be personally happy with. It seems different suppliers offer different qualities of specific items. Any input on this would be super helpful and much appreciated! Also, I was reading on candlescience that they no long supply palm wax because it is unhealthy. Is this true? I absolutely love the way it looks and was hoping to start making some pillars with it! I would love to have an online mentor being that my main source of learning will be from reading books and forums like this. So any guidance or tips on candles in general would also be much appreciated! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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