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Posts posted by jeanie353

  1. Yes, I am aware that he has both the body and candle oils. I have only ordered the candle oils.

    As I said before, all the folks that are commenting on the fragrances link, are having great success with his oils. The 2 that I tried tonight are Amish Harvest and Maple Crunch. Do you think there could be a difference for me, since I only use paraffin and not soy?

    My opinion only...I don't think using paraffin and not soy would be the cause of this. I'm interested to see how this progresses as you test lower amounts b/c I am/was going to be placing an order next week with this new supplier. I have also been keeping up with the other thread where many have ordered and are now posting results on the fragrances from this new supplier.

  2. Ok I'm testing my 5' pies I have 2 wick in my blueberry and 3 wicks in my pecan. In 4 hours the blueberry has not yet made it to the edges but he pecan is almost completely melted to the edges. My question is should I use the same rule as with container that it should melt 1 inch per hour. So should it take 5 hours to get a complete melt pool. I'm wondering if the 3 wick are melting to fast I use 44 zinc for both. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm useing the heavy gel for now because that's all the supplier had. Will that make a difference in how fast the candle burns. I plan on getting the med. gel. Thanks!!

    Just found your pm and this post....pm'd you

  3. jluper....I had in mind photos to match the fragrance. I could take a nice picture of an apple pie but that is about the extent of my photo taking expertise. I've decided to stay with clear glossy w/o any photos and have been working on a template today. I purchased the labels a few months ago. My Kodak printer is doing a terrible job printing on these but I have a HP here I'm going to try later or tomorrow.

    MissMori.....I wouldn't of minded paying for a subscription service to get the images. My concern was getting them the right way without violating any laws as well as not having someone come behind me and copy my labels with those pics.

    Oh, and on some reply emails I received from Flickr when I asked permission.....you really don't want to know...trust me :embarasse

  4. That is some of what I found searching for the answer to this which is how I ended up at Picasa. The pics are designated as to whether or not they can be copied and used, limited use, etc. On the ones designated for anyone's use, I still emailed and asked permission. That is where I ran into some odd replies. No one was nasty but some were...ummm..let us say looking for something other than picture sharing. So I got the heck out of there and kept searching for the answer.

    Thank you Scented for your answer. It is what I thought but I also heard there were free ones on Google Images. I just didn't know how to decipher which was which.

  5. I am at a crossroad of switching my candles from a rustic/country look to a more modern look. I had been making and printing myself kraft labels. Now I want to make clear labels similar to Slatkin or Yankme that have a pic on the clear label or under the clear label.

    I do not know if I can copy a picture from a Google image search for my labels or if I would be breaking a copyright law. I tried going to Flickr but ran into some really strange people there. Maybe it was my own fault asking the wrong questions but I'm staying clear of that place.

    I changed my jars, wax and found a good line of awesome fragrances, re-did all the testing (2 yrs worth) and am ready to rock again but am stuck on this label pic thing.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  6. This really made me angry so before I settled down I also sent her off a message telling her what I thought of her theifery (is that a word?). Also, where is her own self satisfaction of making her own creations, own pics and own description? Apparently, non-existent. This makes me wonder too if people who buy the copied products are going to ever receive them and if so apparently they aren't quality or she would of used her own pics.

    Now I'm off to Etsy to try to report her there.

  7. I'm about 1.5 hrs away and did ask once if she had local pick up about 6 months ago or so. At that time she did not.

    edit...I just read the post that states it is posted on her site about local pickup of certain amounts at certain times.

  8. I agree that CC scents are concentrated and less is needed. With the super concentrates I only use .5 oz pp getting a strong throw both hot & cold in my CBL130. I have not been disappointed with any of her oils, order frequently and have tried all but 3-4. That being said, I also use CS, Peak and some of Bert's fragrances to fill in my line and of course always trying new ones.

    I would not hesitate to recommend any of CC oils.

  9. I so want to place an order but with the prices being low and them being new I'm going to use restraint until I see some of the reviews come through. I also noticed when I was browsing the fragrance oils that in the middle of the list one said perfumed body oil. I am really going to have to watch that if I do end up ordering from them since I almost missed it the 1st time.

    I worked real estate many years back and all I can say there is there is no way I would of had enough hours in a day to work real estate and start up a fragrance oil company....but that is just my opinion and not saying it can't be done or maybe they are leaving real estate.

  10. Yes, you would use the same wax for the embeds as the crust. I used IGI 1260. It is a wax with a MP of 163, is semi-translucent and a 10 or 11 lb slab will go quite far for embed/crust making.

    After I sent the post yesterday I thought of several different things I had forgot to mention so I'll do that now..... When you work with gel wax you are going to be working with higher temperatures than our usual waxes for containers, pillars, tarts. Always go by what the instructions from the supplier/mfg are......but with gel you are starting out with a big hunk of....well, gel (lol).. which you will cut or tear pieces off, weigh out and melt down to add your fragrance using 1/2 oz to 3/4 oz per pound of wax. The most I ever heard wax 1 oz which was in high density gel and I think that might of been a stretch. The gel does thrown very nicely using the lower percentage fragrance oils as recommended.

    Gel gets heated to about 220 (if I remember correctly) and will go to a semi liquid state. This is important....don't try to get it to go to a liquid state like our regular waxes do or it could be a big hazard and only go as high on the temp when melting as you need to per supplier/mfg instructions. I used a separate Presto pot for my gel but I'm not sure that is necessary because it clean up so easily. The gel just lifts right off when cool making clean up a breeze. I'd wipe it down after I poured the candles and then pull whatever residue may be left when done. The mess on the working surface just peeled right off.

    Also, with coloring your gel it takes waayyyy less dye than candle wax does. I used to use a toothpick and dip in my liquid color then just touch it in the wax or go one drop at a time. It colors really easy and what you don't want for your candle pie gel is for it to be opaque with too much color or you won't see the embeds as well. The color you see in the pan is what you will get in the end.

    The colors mix I used for the crust was vanilla with a touch of rust...use whatever shade works for you. I liked my crusts to look like they were oven baked while some others like theirs to be a little lighter.

    You can get the molds for making the embeds and crusts very inexpensive or not depending on where you want to start. I started out with yellow plastic ones (forgot where I got them) and moved on to silicone in a couple months.

    On the embeds/crusts I think IGI 1260 will take 6% fragrance load but it retains it very well and colors nicely too. Also, this is not a wax for use of burning candles unless you are making hurricanes or embeds. You will not have to do a repour with this wax on embeds/crust unless you come across something in pie making that I did not....I'm only going from my own experience with that.

    If you don't mind I will pm you with the supplier I mentioned yesterday in my post that imo I would not recommend. I would feel so bad if you went through all this to get up and going and you didn't get your supplies.

    Have Fun

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