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Posts posted by AlwaysWondering

  1. Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.

    I need a rum that smells like the rum extract used in baking rather than a Bacardi liquor rum or Bay Rum or Buttered Rum. I suppose Bacardi liquor rum smells like rum but I hope you know what I mean. I don't care if the name is Buttered Rum (or any other name) as long as it is rum-y rather than buttery.

  2. If she didn't approach with the same passion you have for wax, she may fade fast. Trying to book home parties is not easy!

    Your success is separate from hers and remember that a flame that lights another flame does not lose any of its fire...or something like that. Point is, you can both be successful and not diminish the other.

    Scentsy is $5.95 around here for only 2.3 oz of wax. I do wish the suppliers would start making dupes of the scents, though.

  3. Sounds like a nice order to get you started with good variety of scents, too. I don't order from BCN or S but I do order from KY. I think KY's zucchini bread is the best. I just ordered their honeysuckle with my last order and so far, it's a good one compared to other honeysuckles I have sampled. I did try their sugar cookie but my notes said I found it weak. I have sampled at least 5 sugar cookies and haven't like any of them, might be my nose and not the suppliers!

    Good luck!

  4. I congratulate with warmest wishes for continued success! I can only hope that someday I will need to order 25 lbs of scent at a time.

    The only supplier I know that formulates their own scents is Taylored Concepts in Dallas.

    My opinion is that a lot of the suppliers we use, buy from Agilex. We have been using them for over 5 yrs. Carole

  5. Yes, I put them in wax. I do know that OOB can be misleading. To be honest, each of these was awful OOB and wax and curing didn't help any. Really bad is really bad in my opinion. The opposite, however, is not as true. I've sniffed things OOB that were wonderful and then in wax were very good or ok but no longer fabulous/wonderful. But bad has just stayed plain old bad.

    My point of the post was when scents do not at all smell like they are supposed to smell. My best example was the Green Grass from Alabaster. It was nothing at all like freshly cut grass. Asian Amber to me did not smell like anything kind fo amber no matter how hard I tried to pick up on amber notes. I realize it's hard to say what Garden Gate should smell like but when you order Caramel and it smells like Sardines (that's an exaggeration) was the point I was trying to share and perhaps save money.

    It wasn't about personal preference either. I'm not a fan of Lovespell either but I know a good dupe from a bad dupe. I was hoping to read about bad dupes, that kind of info or fake Lavenders, lemon scents that have fuel notes, or spa scents that actually smell musty or heavy instead of fresh, etc.

    Both Peaks Asian Sandalwood and CS Asian Amber are great sellers for me. But I do mix them with other oils. The one with Peaks Asian Sandalwood is my #2 top seller in soap. I mix it with patchouli for a sandalwood patch. Customers love it.

    CS Asian Amber is a fantastic mixer. I have blended it with gardenia, bamboo, musk, and others. Its strong so you only need a little.

    I wonder if the original OP is expressing an opinion of OOB? I am also wondering if the OP actually tried putting any of these oils in an application? You certainly can't judge a FO strictly OOB. Its only an indicator. You can only be sure once you put it in something at the right % to see how it reacts.

  6. I only sell via internet so customers go based on familiarity with a sent (like Butt Naked or Lilac which are universal) or my scent descriptions or the name. Amazing what a name can do!

    I have the New Car Scent and am disappointed in it. Strength and throw are fine but the scent itself is not that unmistakable smell of a new car. If you try hard, you do pick up that scent but to me, that is a one of kind scent and this oil is not it. Maybe you can rename it once you sniff it.

    Blarney Stoned sells because of the name. As a scent, again throw and strength are good, but nothing to write home about.

    Their Sweet Orange Chili Pepper is all orange. Like the scent but I expected more "fire" notes. I just ordered the one from MCS to compare.

    Black Linen Amber is great, complex, pretty and even though none of the notes are fruity, it has an ever so slightly fruity edge. It's not a deep, dark scent as the name might imply. I'm thinking of renaming it as I think it prevents my "clean" scent buyer from considering it even though my description is more lighthearted. As they say, comes alive in wax.

    Jacuzzi is a nice clean, scent. Their Cucumber is also very refreshing and great throw.

    Good luck!

  7. I make tarts and those are fragrances that don't move for me. I was just n the Aroma Haven site and they had three roses, Wild Denali Rose they described as Strong. They also had a rustic rose and sandy rose.

    Aroma Haven also has a Carnation that they described as slightly spicy. I almost bought a sample but did not with my last order. I found a spicy carnation at a supplier I never read about and it was expensive, I think they are geared toward artisan perfumists, My Sweet Victoria but the website is www.fragrancesupplies.com. She also has something called Devonshire Violets. VERY expensive oils.

    Southwest Candle Supply took over Just by Nature and they have one called Mediterranean Spice, not sure if it's the right spices for you. I wonder if it is JBN's former Arabian Spice with was very strong and spicy.

    Check out Witches Brew at Moonworks for the violet. That website is www.venusenterprises.info or just google Moonworks fragrance oils

    I remember a recent thread on green tea that was not flowery. Maybe do an advanced search with "green tea" and then select the "Fragrance" board. Also remember one about rain, it is titled Spring Rain and (at the moment) is toward the bottom of the first page of the Fragrance threads.

    Good luck!

  8. I only sell tarts and only via the internet so location is all over US. I have renamed some but these are the common names (did not include Christmas scents). In alpha order:

    Amish Friendship Bread

    Blue Hawaiian

    Bonfire Bliss

    Clean Cotton

    Cotton Candy

    Coconut Cream Pie

    Creme Brulee (overall top seller)

    Day at the Spa

    Gain Apple Mango Tango

    Honeysuckle Jasmine

    Pina Colada

    Pumpkin Pie

    Red Velvet Cake

    Vick's Vapo Rub type

    Zucchini Bread

  9. I might be over analyzing this. It amazes me how so many of you know the differences in throw and strength of a particular scent but from different suppliers. Also, you know which wax/blend makes a difference with each oil.

    How do you test or is this year's of experience? Do you test side by side, same oil in two different waxes and burn one day and then the next day with the next wax. What about testing throw and strength? Do you keep a score card at the one hour point, six hour point, 12 hour point, etc.? I only make tarts and only use one type of wax but now wondering if I should use another wax for some scents and do some testing.

  10. You could rename something to Pot of Gold. NG has some "green" fragrances like Frosted Lime Cake or Honeydew. They also have a Money scent and the notes seem interesting, that would go with a green theme. Aloe and Clover is sold at many fragrance suppliers. Or rename something Luck of the Irish. Fresh Green Grass scent? Maybe an Ocean scent to go with all of Ireland's shoreline. Natures Garden has a beer scent, too!

  11. I know scent is personal but these really smelled bad or off. Has nothing to d0 with strength or throw (I have a LONG list of weak scents), these just smelled horrible in my opinion. Hope I can save you some money.

    Alabaster Fresh Cut Grass - smells more like the compost pile on a very hot summer day. Horrid. If my fresh cut lawn smelled like that, my neighbors would boot us out of the subdivision.

    Bright Scents Sun and Sand - smells nothing like summer or the beach or tanning, more like strong perfume. Maybe you could rename it to Evening in Paris

    Bright Scents Cedarwood Spice - just not a good scent.

    Natures Garden Bacon - too smokey, not even blendable so smokey

    Natures Garden Fireplace - was all smoke, choking smoke, could hardly breathe kind of smoke, detected no other notes.

    Aroma Haven Honeysuckle - just not a good Honeysuckle at all

    Candle & Supplies Banana Nut Bread - very artificial smelling, lacks baking notes, weak. Bleh.

    Backwoods Coconut Curry - just a very bad fragrance, hard to even describe. Sometimes you think a blend will be interesting but not this one.

    Candle Science Asian Amber - I'm not sure if this is a personal dislike but it stunk the place up something horrible. I sniffed it out of the bottle and almost turned green but thought maybe it would be better in wax. Ugh.

  12. I've read this thread a few times and was thinking I'd like to make them for myself only. Now I'm thinking about adding them as a product. For 2 weeks (more or less), the pricing is tricky. Checked prices and I'd have to charge $2 a piece which seems like a lot to me compared to those you can buy at Target in the auto section or Yankee. I Like that little mister but that brings the price up even more. Maybe these are best for craft fair when the buying is more spontaneous and no shipping.

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