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Posts posted by GlamaRay

  1. Well, I got an update from WSP and it reads like a generated response and did not answer several of my questions ...

    Thank you for your email regarding our new pricing. There has been an increase in most of the products we currently sell. Many products have had a slight cost increase and we now also include shipping charges along with that. The website does now state that the "Price now includes UPS ground shipping". We are hoping by doing this our customers know up front there per piece cost so they can better figure their pricing to their customers.

    Please contact our office if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you and have a good day!

    ... I did get a recommendation for jars and container supplies from a friend.


    I checked them out and they do charge a $5 handling fee for orders less than $50. A bit "eh" with this but their prices seemed pretty good. I tried to call earlier but since they are in CA they were not open yet to answer some of my questions I had about shipping.

    My friend said they were really reasonable and their shipping and fast and she lives in Texas.

    I hear ya, I so enjoy the little thoughts when other companies toss in a goodie and it has sometimes lead me to purchase that item the next time. It's just a nice gesture.

    I really don't think WSP is the least bit concerned. They must have some really big clients out there that buy in large bulk so us little folk don't really matter. :mad:

    So sad because I really liked the ease of my one stop shop with them. I never really purchased their FO's. I usually get mine from saveonscents (have never received a sample form them though), naturesgarden or daystarsupplies. I love dealing with Stacy. She always tosses in a goodie, too.

  2. Noodle, thank you. I forgot about the good ol' Chemistry Store and it's comforting to know there are others. I'm ashamed but desperate. I just placed and order for ONLY the 8 oz jars and lids and that's it. Typically, I would have bought more and spent at least $150. Tonight I only spent $32 and change.

    You're right. They have never included samples. It's not that they have to but it's a nice gesture especially for long time customers. I've noticed other companies always seem to throw in a Lagniappe and so do I for my customers to say, thank you, I really, truly appreciate your business and support. I will even refund the difference with my flat rate shipping if it's less. I just feel it's the right thing to do.

    OK, I rambled and I will step down from my soap box before I slip and fall.

    ... Oh, and for that earlier comment form Debbie at WSP, basically saying people posting on these threads are not really customers, I bet she will be taking back those words now.

    Let's see, they lost at least $120.00 from me this evening.

  3. Hi all! This is my first time and posting. I found y'all by doing a search on google for complaints about WSP's recent "free" :mad: shipping program.

    I just sent an email with my concerns and I understand the need for some increases on cost but this is just outrageous!! :mad: (I can't use this icon enough)

    I'm sad, too because I have only used them for my supplies and now I am concerned because I feel I must start my hunt all over again. I really don't want to have to drastically increase the cost of my products for my customers and especially now with the way times are right now.

    Can anyone recommend any other company out there I can go to for jars and bases?

    Thanks and I look forward to chatting with y'all.

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