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Everything posted by jmepayne

  1. Thanks for your reply. i actually read that as i was looking through the pages of posts. i was actually hoping to use square glass votive holders. If the votive is a round 2" do you think it would work ok with a square 2" holder? or should it be more fitted (closer to a container candle)?
  2. Hi everyone... I'm completely new to candle making. I have always been interested in learning how to make candles, and have recently decided to attempt to make candles for my wedding next year. so with that said... i'm really hoping someone can help me. I am currently attempting to make votive candles. and having some issues during my test burn. The melting pool seems to be off center (even though i use a wick pin in my votive mold) and it causes a "hole" in one side of the votive. I took a photo of the top of the votive: http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b342/jmepayne/DSC04712-1.jpg?t=1269743193 if it matters... the wax i'm using is parafin "IGI 4761 Low Shrink Votive Wax" and my wicks are 44-24-18 Zinc Core I'm wondering (and hoping) if this might be caused by an un-level surface? i'm pretty sure there's not a single place in this entire condo that's perfectly level. Could that be it? thanks so much for any help or advice!
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