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Posts posted by candlemama

  1. I'm just starting out with M&P now, too, and so far have used my regular old muffin pans, a "Handmade" mold from Peak, a fish mold from Peak (for my three-year-old :)), an oval bar mold from Peak, and a silicone loaf mold from WSP. I usually let my soaps sit overnight, so about 6-10 hours. I haven't tried demolding sooner than that. With the exception of the muffin pan, I haven't had any problems getting the soaps out. Just press on the back of the mold a couple times in different areas, and they pop out with little effort. For the muffin pan, I had to put it in the freezer for about five minutes, wrestle with it, smack it against the ground, put it back in the freezer, and finally they came out. PITA! Much prefer the nice molds from Peak and WSP!! If I had to choose, though, my favorite for ease of use and looks is the silicone loaf mold and my wavy cutter.

  2. I feel your frustrations! I have yet to make a successful candle, but I don't think I'm ready to give up. I haven't tried pillars yet, just sticking to containers because I read those were the easiest to start with. I actually thought your candle looked great and was thinking I'd be pretty happy with a candle if I bought one at the store and the melt pool looked like yours does. I'm no expert, obviously, but it looks to me like you're getting very close to a well-made candle.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Since I've become more educated on what a proper candle is supposed to do, I can't believe how much money I've spent on candles from major suppliers (Yankee, B&BW, Pier 1, etc.) that never burned correctly. I've had store-bought containers with tons of black soot around the top and lots of hang up, and pillars that broke through the wall and spilled melted wax everywhere.

    Hang in there!

  3. I have never added preservatives to M&P either BUT you may not have wasted your $$. Do you make any other products? I use Germaben II in my smelly jellies, body sprays and foaming soaps.

    I'm starting to make other things, such as lotions, scrubs and foaming soaps, but to be honest the whole preservative thing has scared me off a little. Yesterday, I made my first batch of sugar cube scrubs using Coco's recipe, and I think it turned out pretty good. I did add a little germaben II E and based the percentage on the non-sugar ingredients.

    I think what's got me bummed is it seems the only way to know for sure if bad stuff is growing is to do a challenge test at a lab which would be too expensive for me since I'm making this stuff just for fun. Or maybe I have to wait a year or more to see if something's growing on my products?!? I just don't want anyone to get sick in the meantime.

    Maybe I should go back to trying to figure out the candle thing instead!

  4. Darn it. I guess I wasted money on that stuff! The only way to know for sure is, like you said, pour some soap and let it sit for a few months to see if anything grows! Thanks so much for the advice and information. It helps a lot. I'm not going to add that stuff anymore and see what happens.

  5. M&P does not need any preservatives in it. You can remelt the soap and add more base to dilute the germaben.

    Thanks, Candybee. I'm so confused. Maybe WSP was trying to make more sales? They have info on their learning center that says any time you add anything, "like shea butter," to M&P, you need a preservative. So, I contacted them by email to verify, and they said yes and gave me the link to germaben II E. I ordered it with my other supplies. In the week or so since ordering, I've been doing more research and think I understand now that oils and butters don't need preserving, but anything with water does. Or anything that may have water introduced to it, like a sugar/salt scrub which is taken into the shower and wet hands digging in the container.

    Is it because M&P already has a preservative, or is it because soap doesn't encourage nasties to grow, that I don't need a preservative?

  6. Okay, I made a huge mistake in calculations today. I know many people aren't putting any preservatives in their M&P soaps with milk, etc., but I got a little paranoid and bought some germaben II E (I'm still trying to figure preservatives out... wish I would have bought one w/o parabens). The WSP rep I talked to recommended I use this preservative in my M&P and lotions.

    Anyway, the recommended amount is .5-1%. I just realized I put 5% -- not .5% -- in my batch of OMH soap last night. YIKES! Do you think I should just throw it out, or should I try to remelt it with more base? Is it unsafe to continue using as is?

    I'm so bummed. I really love the way this soap turned out!

    Thank goodness I haven't had the courage to try CP soap yet... I'd probably blow up my kitchen. :lipsrseal


  7. Thanks for the help. I let the soap sit in the mold overnight, about 12 hours, before I cut into it. Of course, I read these replies after I cut into the loaf and got lucky the inside was nice and firm, too! That would have been a mess if the inside was still too soft. My mold holds about 40 oz.

    Sounds like you have already been given some good advice so I won't add anything. It will be a good test to see how long it takes your soap to set up in your mold. I find most soaps, including loaf soaps, take anywhere from 2-4 hours to set up and harden. But I have been working with my molds for several years so I know when to unmold.

    Let me know how you like the OMH recipe. I just made a 2 lb batch myself to take to my craft show this weekend. What FO are you using?

    Love the recipe so far, Candybee! Washed my hands with some of the leftover in my bowl this morning, and it feels wonderful. Had to change a couple of things, though, because I didn't have the ingredients I needed. I used Dr. Bronner's unscented soap in place of the glycerin and added two more tablespoons. Also I didn't have any castor oil, so I used apricot kernal oil instead. I have no clue if the two oils act similarly and can be interchanged, but I just bought some of the apricot kernel oil and wanted to try it out! I need to get some castor oil to keep on hand.

    I used EBC's oatmeal, milk and honey FO, and it smells so good and comforting. Makes me want to wrap up in it and take a nap! Had a slight mishap with the oatmeal, though. I guess I got too impatient and added the oatmeal too soon. It looked like it suspended correctly last night, but all the oatmeal settled at the bottom. It looks cool, but I wish it was suspended. I want to try the pumice foot scrub recipe next, so I need to make sure that one suspends correctly!

  8. What type of wax, containers and wicks are you using? How much fo do you add? Maybe those of us that use the same wax can help.

    I'm using a 7oz straight-type jar and also a 14oz one. I started using the 14oz ones until I read in the forums that it's best to learn on smaller containers since it doesn't take as long to test burn them! I think I just don't like my wax. I'm using SB 1000 from Genwax which is supposed to be a 30/70 soy/paraffin mix. Even my husband says these candles just smell waxy. I'm tempted to give up and use something else. I've done a few candles with IGI 4630 (bought a starter kit from Peaks). I'm burning one now with pear spice (1/2 oz pp) from Peaks and it smells great -- love this scent. For the SB 1000 wax candles, I used 1oz pp, along with HTP wicks, sizes 83 and 105 to test with. The Genwax reps recommended I use HTP 83 with their wax in the 7oz containers. But I also had the 105 size on hand. I know I don't have my wicking right with either wax. I think I'm just going to try pouring a few with no FO and no dye just to see if I can get them to burn correctly, then start adding FO and dye.

    I am still researching waxes to find one I think I'll love. I wish there was a magic wax out there that works beautifully every time, but I know it comes down to a lot of work, time, patience, and money!!

  9. I just received some more goodies in the mail today (I am spending sooo much money trying to save money by making my own soaps, lotions, makeup and candles). I now have a silicone loaf mold, mitre box and wavy cutter. So, how do I use these new toys? I plan to make one of Candybee's OMH recipes tonight and want to use my new mold but am not sure how long to let the soap sit in there before trying to cut it. Any advice for a newbie like me???


  10. I found a recipe I want to try for making a body butter. I chose it because I already have all of the ingredients, except for wheat germ oil. Do you think I could substitute jojoba oil for the wheat germ without affecting the consistency or end product too much? Or should I just increase the amount of apricot kernel oil to make up for the lack of wheat germ oil?

    Here's the recipe.

    2 ozs cocoa butter (weighed)

    2 ozs natural shea butter


    2 ozs mango butter (weighed)

    1 teaspoon wheat germ oil

    3 teaspoons apricot kernel oil

    1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

  11. I've made a couple batches of M&P soap and added some refined, deodorized cocoa butter I bought from EBC. I also have shea butter which is softer and easier to work with. The cocoa butter is pretty hard and difficult to get out of the container. It crumbles when I try to scoop it out. Is this normal, or did I get an old batch or something?

  12. I bought one of these from my friends store a few years ago. I usually don't spend that kind of money on bath bombs but it was before I knew what they were and how to make them myself. The minute I saw them, I had to have one. They had them displayed unwrapped in these big beautiful jars in a self serve set up. They had these cute little bags to put them in and inside was a little card listing all these pampering ingredients, tellin me how much I deserved it. It worked, I convinced myself that I needed it and didn't care what the price was : ) I expected it to be phenomenal, but was really disappointed when I actually used it, it was nothing special at all. I will say, it was really pretty though and that's what sold me on it plus like I said it was before I knew all about bath bombs and the whole concept sounded so cool to me at the time.

    You're absolutely right, it's the marketing for sure.

    Sounds like something I'd do! I am a total sucker for packaging. I probably would never buy one online because I wouldn't go looking for it but might be more likely if I was in the store and gave in to impulse buying. At least I might have before I started learning about this craft! They are adorable.

  13. jump right on in...:yay:...you will be surprised how easy it is to make lotion...in fact it is so easy you won't be buying from the store anymore..

    and you can scent it with whatever scent you love..

    and the starter kit..is the way to go..it gives you a real good feel for it..without any hassle of measuring all those ingred..

    when i bought my kit...and made my first lotion with it..

    i almost immediately bought all the ingred..to make my own lotion..

    in fact..it was so easy..i went thru and bought almost all the ingred. to make all the different things she has on her formulary...

    Do you happen to know what the shelf life would be for her products before you mix and after you mix? I want to buy so much stuff, but since I'm only making products for myself, I don't want the ingredients or mixes to go bad before I can get through them!

  14. Where are you located? If you are near Ohio, I have a few cases of the Joy wax (very similar if not the same as JBN 9900) I'd like to sell. I was blending it around the holidays since I was pouring in the garage and no heat to speak of, so it helped with the frosting. But now that I am back in the basement, no need for it. Let me know. :smiley2:

    Hi Dana. I'm in California. Bummer. Thanks anyway.

  15. Thanks for the replies! I think I spent half the day on that website. I can't wait to try some of the formulas. I'm especially eager to try the C&E intensive serum. I love the stuff from Skinceuticals, but it runs about $120/ounce. I can make about 3 ounces using Lotioncrafter's formula for much less money.

    Also, thanks for attaching the photo of the stick blender. I thought that's what they are but wanted to make sure it wasn't something special for cosmetic/B&B products. Darn it, used to have one of those but gave it away years ago.

  16. Does anyone have suggestions on what to add to M&P base to create a gentle but luxurious facial bar? GM, of course (thanks for turning me on to that stuff, PrairieAnnie!), but what else? I keep coming up with some type of clay when I search on the internet, but it seems that may be more for acne? I'm looking for ingredients for adult skin -- i.e., aging, sensitive skin... haha!

    Also, what should I add to make more of an antibacterial bar for the kitchen to wash hands after handling raw meat, etc.? Would tea tree oil work?

    Thanks so much!

  17. I was wondering if anyone has tried Lotioncrafter's Try-It Kits or used their formulas for making products. I'm thinking about trying the Body Butter Bliss Kit and the Goat's Milk Cream Kit. I'm also thinking about buying the supplies to make the C&E Intensive Serum and the Satin Soft Salt Scrub. But before I spend all the money, I wanted to get opinions here on whether they make nice products. Also, if you can comment on the degree of difficulty, that would be great, too. I've never made lotions or creams before but am really excited to get started. These recipes don't look too difficult, but it's hard to know for sure.

    Also, one more question... what is an immersion/stick blender?


  18. I just bought some of the LouAnn brand from WM to use in candles and soaps. Very cheap. But I just read in these forums the other day that someone said not to use this brand and to buy from a supplier. The poster didn't say why, and I've been reading so many threads I can't remember where I saw it (pretty sure it was in the candle section though). I don't want to spend more on CO if I don't have to.

    Is there any problem with the WM CO for using it in candles or soaps?

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