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Sherri in Canada

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Posts posted by Sherri in Canada

  1. I just received a USPS shipping notification from Solas so I'd say it's safe to assume they still ship USPS. As for Peaks, their site is pretty clear about shipping exclusively UPS. I recall contacting them a few years back and they confirmed this. Guess I'm on their naughty list. Can't blame them, really:p

    LOL Bette....naughty girl! I had placed an order with Solas and they refunded my payment yesterday because she stated she couldn't ship USPS to me :(

    I think i'm gonna mosey over to Steve's site and see what trouble I can get into there...thanks for that recommendation!

  2. FOH just added parcel post. Now there is a supplier going out of her way to help this situation and also shipping USPS for the oils within the regulations.

    Don't hold your breath for BCN to fix their website, they have been working on it for years with absolutely no progress. For them to even attempt to run their site like ICS and others concerning FO's, is like pissing in the wind.

    I agree Wendy....Kim even took the time to email me privately to let me know that she wasn't turning her back on us Canadians and would do whatever she could "legally" do to help us....now there's a top notch seller!! and Kathy at ICS has never been anything but top notch in my book.

  3. I'd love to be a distributer for the oils but funding is big problem right now. I think there are only 2 or 3 oils that I actually buy in Canada which is a shame but the variety just isn't here. It's kind of ironic because after being in business for 4 years, this has been my best year yet and now i'm going to have to either raise my prices through the roof to compensate for the ups shipping and lose customers or discontinue 3/4 of the fragrances I sell and lose alot more.

    This is a nightmare!!

  4. LMAO Julie! Solas isn't shipping usps here anymore either so they're out.

    I looked at NG pumpkin spice and read the reviews so i'm leaning towards that one. AH/RE is out since they only use ups and that's the issue i'm trying to avoid (thanks for the suggestion anyway). I'm leaning again towards NG for the blueberry muffin but the reviews are mixed *sigh*....what a kerfluffle this is!!

    If peaks is still shipping here, I may try out the mac apple and blueberry muffin from there and the candlemakers store sounds good also since it's similar to what i've been using (thanks for the suggestion)...they don't have the pumpkin spice but lots of others I see that sound interesting.

    Canwax would be wonderful to get it from since they're Canadian but BCN's price of 12.95 compared to Canwax price of 26.00 lb means I can get it from BCN and pay UPS fees and it'll work out to the same price and i'd be no further ahead except I can get it quicker.

    I wouldn't care so much about finding replacements but they're 3 of my favorites too and i'm too stubborn to give 'em up without a fight lol

  5. I need to replace 3 of my best sellers from BCN unfortunately....can you suggest a sub that smells the same or very very similar....these all have a fp of 200 or above but aparently i'd still need to have them shipped via UPS which I can't do....thanks!

    Macintosh Apple - Yankee Type

    Blueberry Muffins

    Pumpkin Spice (not the closeout pumpkin)

  6. Means they're now classifying fragrance oils under the same catagory as explosives and ammunition. The flash point will determine how they can be shipped and if you're in Canada.....you're SOL regardless of the flashpoint!!

    Am I bitter? Perhaps just a tad!

  7. I have to find replacements for about 15 oils that I carried from there and were umong my top sellers. I had ups ship 3 bottles of oil from there by mistake last year and it ended up costing me an additional 42.00 in brokerage fees so it's definitely not something I can afford to do.....I hate the thought of testing again because i was really happy with what i was getting but looks like I won't be able to afford BCN anymore :undecided

  8. This is so strange to me. My understanding was anything with a flashpoint 200 and above could ship US Priority. Anything below this would have to ship parcel post or UPS ground????? Am I confused?????:embarasse

    That's what I was told too...as long as they met the fp restriction and were properly packaged they could still be shipped that way.

  9. My first question is why would you pour cases of a fragrance you'd never tested before? Second question is what kind of wax are you using...could be incompatible with the oils and maybe they'll throw better in a different type :undecided

  10. I am not sure about the dupe part but it smells DEVINE!! Love it. The Lavender, Cucumber Sage is TDF! I soaped it yesterday and I am in love. I also soaped the patchouli....and I am not a patchouli fan at all.....and this one is so so soft and nice....I remember patchouli being very strong and overpowering. As a matter of fact I have a friend who still uses it....and OMG it must be some cheap grade she uses and then bathes in it...it is so strong and overpowering. PU PU PU!!!! I really really like Solas's Pachouli....so much that I would have no problem using this one. Oh and Solas's Milk & Honey....another must have!

    Thanks Kymber....i'll be adding that to my list then!

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