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Everything posted by mzceefitz

  1. I did use the same FO in both the containers and tealights and actually a couple different FO have done this, where the tealights are great, but the container isn't. Same wax, same temps from melting, to mixing, to pouring. I cure for about 48 hrs. With two different FO I burned the tealights after 2 days, then didn't burn the containers until a couple more days after that. I know that Eco Adv has a bad rep for HT, but I just don't understand the difference between containers?! Hopefully someone can help. Thanks for you input!!
  2. Hello All! I am new to this forum, but have been testing on and off for about a year. I wish I would've found the forum sooner, as I have spent the last couple of weeks searching through posts and reading, reading, reading. I am using Ecosoya Adv, grated color (about 1/4-1/2 tsp) from dye blocks and about 1 1/2 oz FO per pound now. Here's my little dilemma... I use HTP 31 in my tealights and they are working fabulous. The HT is amazing in these little things. Well, I am using HTP 83 in 6 oz hex jars and HTP 104 in 9 oz hex jars. They are burning well and I am getting FMP in 2-3 hour burn times, wax is burning completely across and down in subsequent burns. What I don't understand is why does it seem that two tealights, and sometimes even 1 tealight, have a better HT than these other jars? I do want to throw in that I have RRD-40 here, that I am testing alongside an HTP-83 in a 6 oz hex, I have samples of RRD-47, 50 and 55 and I also have a sample pack of CD wicks on the way from Bittercreek, (since it seems a lot of people like these, I thought I'd give them a shot). Candlewic suggested RRD wicks, but for some reason, I haven't been really impressed with them, maybe b/c they seem to drown out? Anyways, I really wondered if anyone had an idea why the HT is so dramatic in the tealights, as opposed to the other ones. Thanks for any help!! It's GREATLY appreciated:bow: Erica
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