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    Edgewood, NM

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  1. Thank you quietgirl2004 for finding the information. I must have overlooked it as I thought I had searched through everything. Many thanks. I appreciate it.
  2. Hi all! I have decided to try container candles; and found a 2 lb. bag of 100% natural soy wax for all size containers with the brand name CandleWiz on it from Hobby Lobby. I went to the website that is listed on the package to find out the MP and pouring temperatures. That site is http://www.clcs.com but I could not find the exact package I purchased or the information I was seeking. The ISBN-like code has Soy 125 named on it so I went to the website listed on the bag of wax I purchased to find the Soy 125 wax for the needed information. This is what I see on the page that lists their Soy 125 wax: http://www.soapexpressions.com/Product.aspx?q=p62 . I do not see any information telling me the MP or pouring temperatures ... so I thought I would ask about it. Do all waxes called Soy 125 use the same MP and pouring temperatures? Or is their a difference between different brands of Soy 125 wax? I ask because I found a page listing the MP and pouring temperatures on a different website - http://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=c18,p677&title=Soy-Wax-(Soy-125)-for-Container-Candles---Lower-Price - Candlewic that provided instructions for using a Soy 125 wax. Does anyone know anything about the Country Lane Soy Waxes? Anyone ever use them? Also, can Vybar 103 or stearic acid be used in a Soy 125 wax to make pillars or votives? Thank you for reading!
  3. Thank you so much for your response Stella1952! You are right. I was not burning the candle in a holder. It was placed on top of a small holder that had had no sides. I will burn another test candle in a solid votive holder this time. The votives I will test on were the ones I made last weekend, so they've had a week to rest. I got the palm wax kit from Hobby Lobby, and think you are right about the inadequacy of them. I actually had to go back and buy separate colorant and fragrance because what came with it smelled like an overly done man's cologne. The feathering on the votives could have been better but just basic instructions were provided and when I began I didn't have my computer next to me. So I'm going to be purchasing a couple books. The next batch I am going to wrap with a towel or bubble wrap to see if that aids in the formation of the feathering patterns. I'm looking into buying a digital camera so I can post pictures. Maybe it will help to post the pictures so a visual of the problem can be seen. I will continue to read through the posts. Thank you for the warm welcome! Happy Candlemaking!
  4. Did my post not make sense? If so, I apologize. I'm new to candle making and trying my best to understand the terms. I appreciate any help y'all can provide. Thanks
  5. Hello everyone! :smiley2:I am new to the forums and this is my first post. So I hope I am posting in the correct area. I had some problems with making the votives the first time. I forgot to coat the polycarbonate molds with the sealer and also overfilled them. So I redid them Monday (yesterday). Things went smoother and the candles actually released from the molds. Now to my questions. I used Palm Wax. The wicks, wax, votive molds, wax, fragrance, and color came in a kit from Hobby Lobby. So the exact measurements of the wicks are unknown to me. They are waxed and pre-tabbed. After the candle came out of the mold, I trimmed it to about 1/4 inch. When I lit the test candle, the flame did not flicker, crackle, or smoke. It was a steady flame. Yet as the candle burned down further, it formed a wall around the candle, but the wall did not stay solid - a thin horizontal hole about half-way around the candle was made on one side of the candle while the wall remained around the remaining 50%. No wax burned down the sides; there is a mote around the wick (that is best way I can explain it). The scent throw seems to stay the same intensity when it is lit and when it is not. Is it burning correctly? Should I be concerned about the wall around the candle developing a horizontals hole along one side? It did not continue very far down vertically, maybe just 1/4 inch, but I wanted to ask about it. Thank you your time and patience with a newbie!
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