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Posts posted by Synascents

  1. Thanks everyone!

    Well, I tried the blowdryer and just checked it today and the frosting came back. So next batch of soy I will make, I do the same and see what happens


    What I did for the color, for a 1 lb batch, I just added one drop of liquid purple dye.

    The tin sizes are 4, 6 & 8 oz from WSP

    The cold throw is still strong!

    Will test burn them later today!

    Also, instead of beeswax, would joywax help with the frosting one the top?

    Thank you again!


  2. Alright, today is the first day that I will be trying to make a pure soy candle

    All say a prayer for me now!


    Seriously though, I did get NG's soy wax, question is, I have some HTP, Zinc and a couple of other wicks here to test...

    I will also be pouring into a 8 oz tin

    Question is, any recommendations on which is a good wick for Soy wax?

    I've searched and have heard different opinions..but looking for a tried and true

    Thank you so much for any input on this and will be doing my 1st testing with a HTP wick.

    Cure time is longer correct?

  3. Allie

    I would take steps by stopping this especially if it is affecting your business.

    1st by talking to her and posting an ad in your local paper as stated above.

    2nd write a personal journal with all the information of the events that have happened. The date, time etc..

    3rd *if it doesn't stop* Retry the approach to her but let her know that if it happens again, she will then force you to take further measures.

    At the end after your many attempts of talking, compromisng or running ad's there is a thing that is stated in the law which with proof you can win, it's called defamation.

    Here is the meaning of it:

    Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.


    If a person or the news media says*slander* or writes*libel* something about you that is understood to lower your reputation, or that keeps people from associating with you, defamation has occurred. Slander and libel are two forms of defamation.

    You can only use libel if you have any written form from that individual that has caused defamation.

    You can use slander for spoken defamation.

    But before I would do this, I would take the many steps first of all to reconcile the situation.

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