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Posts posted by doodlebug65

  1. Thanks Leisa, I know that the AFB is just a different version of Zucc bread, so I can probably replace that one. Her Blackberry is the best I have tried. Any ideas where to get a great straight Blackberry thats not candy like? I Dont use any of her blends.

  2. First off I have been using their Amish Friendship Bread for the last couple years. I received this order and it is clear in color (never was clear before) and almost no scent from OOB.There was a delay when receiving this last order and Angie said they cant keep it in stock it is one of their best sellers. Then I go to order this morning they have increased their prices again to $25.00 per bottle. $5.00 increase on all their oils? Any one else think that something is not right here? I think I will be looking elsewhere. Their oils are good, but they have let this go to their head and will price themselves right out of Business.

  3. Here ya go Darbla...Welcome to fragrancebuddy. The way we do samples is very easy. Buy a sample pack and check out. When you get the confirmation email of the order (sample pack) just reply to that email with the fragrances you want. We will ship your requested samples and send you another confirmation email. If you need anything else please let us know and have a great day.

  4. Thanks Carol!Thats kinda what I was thinking too. I have the ICS dupe and its just a little to weak in my 6006 and I am going to try Only Fragrance. I got Samples of all his Lush Dupes and they smell wonderful in sprays, but almost no throw in 6006. Going to let them cure a couple more days to know for sure.

  5. Has anyone had any issues here lately trying to contact Susan @OT? I placed a order last week and wanted to see if I could add to it before it shipped. I have sent 3 emails starting last Friday and even called and left messages.I looked everywhere on her site to see if maybe she was on vacation?:confused:

  6. Look what was on WIYB today she has a pic also..What's In Your Burner? Well, for months and months people have begged me to take pictures of my 7,000 plus tarts in the dreded tart room that is piled high with boxes, and yes, all the boxes look the same, got them from a neighbor and they are strong and sturdy and deep. But this picture is not the entire scene, this is just what I could fit into the camera frame, there are more boxes. But this is what I have to face daily in trying to make a decision! LOL Overwhelming isnt it? It is for me! lol


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