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The Candle Queen

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Posts posted by The Candle Queen

  1. Oh, hehehe, I think I worded that wrong. I meant free without ordering anything, and free wax samples. Yes, the free samples on FO with an order gets my reorder all the time. Some of my largest repeat orders orginate from a free sample.

    Hey Sassy

    I would PM you but I am having problems with that and don't have time to figure that out...LOL... been v. busy....there might be slow learners here but I am glad mr missys F/Os and waxes worked out for you... (as well as myself). GL... SELL SELL SELL! LOL :smiley2:

  2. I am happy for you Sassy. I make a few different wax blends and all his FO's throw wonderfully....which I know you will see or should I say smell....LOL...I have also tried it in his light pink and vanilla precolored wax and the burn is awesome....Good luck.....I know these products will definitely catch your customers eyes and nose....they have with mine.:yay:

  3. HELP!!!

    I have been having problems making my 100% beeswax candles lately. Have been pouring candles for about 5 years now.

    I make 3"x6, 3"x5" and 3"x4" pillar candles, tea lights and votives. All the pillar and tea light molds are poly. Votive molds are metal. I pour at about 160 degrees. Sometimes, not always, the 6" and 5" pillars, the tea lights and the votives will get sink holes. The pillar candles always around the wick, the tea lights and votives in a circle around the diameter of the candle.

    I can re-pour the votives, and sometimes the tea lights, but the poly pillar molds do not allow me to re-pour.

    Usually when I make a batch of candles I make each size pillar, 1 doz. tea lights and 1 doz. votives from the same batch.

    Any ideas why this happens some times and not all the time?

    What I try to do when I pour my beeswax is pour it when the wax is slightly cloudy and cool. This eliminates a lot of contraction when cooling. The left over take a propane torch and slightly heat it up and you can get the rest of it out of the pouring pot.

  4. Oh my!!! I just went and looked again and there are TONS more that I either did not notice before or just got added. They are fantastic, and priced really, really well.

    Your right.......Thank you!....I don't know how I missed that....Tired I guess.....LOL

  5. Candlescience is OK....Mrmissyscandles has started up again and the FO's are very good, there cold throw is amazing and works very well in my personal blend. Yes you have to buy 1 pounders right now but they are working on getting samples. If you don't know there FO's and samples are a must for you, Tim said yesterday there sample bottles were on the way.

  6. WOW! Sound like you people are to busy talking, not making enough candles, soaps and such. There are a lot of inconsistencies in what you are saying and I will not name those people.....Read Back If You Choose....I will say that Deb Scent has been the most positive by far. Are many of you forgetting how it was when you started up your own business? How many things you had to fine tune before it started to flow? I don't know about you people, but I haven't forgotten after 25 years! It is hard work.

    My past business with this company in Ohio and Florida has been nothing but excellent. Those who got to talk to Dan in his Cape Coral store, WERE'NT TALKING TO HIM, because I know for FACT he never answered the phone at that location. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    I have ordered products threw Dan's new location and they are absolutely phenomenal!!!! I really would like to know what those inferior F/O's were too? His fragrances and prices are the best out there right now.

    You cannot beat the prices for the quality product he is selling and free shipping to BOOT!!! He was willing to refund an entire order plus shipping after all those years???? In this economy?????? I have NEVER seen that kind of service in 25 years but, it is nice to know that it will be there for me if I ever have an issue.....but I know I won't with his company.

    In closing you guys just keep arguing here because your less competition to me and makes my products more in demand.

    Have a gr8 week!

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