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Posts posted by LuminousBoutique

  1. yep just crossing fingers whatever they come out with wil be better. in the meantime it has me thinking twice about mineral makeup. I have made pressed powder makeup in the past an enjoyed it, perhaps its time to revisit the idea and start buying my micas really in bulk- so if a situation like this arises, I do have at least a pound. Super costly, yes... but right now I'd do just about anything for a pound of my pops.. kinda taught me a lesson about thinking "such and such" will always be around and ordering 1oz at a time wasnt an issue.

  2. Yeah I'm a little upset about that- I'm sure the manufacturer gave them at least some warning. I would have bought at least 8oz of each, but more likely 16oz of each. Thats alot of money... but it would have been worth it to me.

  3. Personally, NG is hit or miss for me- I've never had a miss at peaks and I've tried almost all of their FO's, I'd say there are only 10 or so I havent.

    Peaks is closer for me too. I have found some NG FO's I love, but less success than at peaks. I love Candle Science oils too, but peaks is still #1 for me.

  4. my husbands card went last week but I've never used it for suppliers or paypal... they ended up finding out it was local, as in someone local got the numbers- we suspect someone that works at out favorite pizza joint, after all you call in your entire card number, exp, and the code on the back.. thats all they need...:shocked2: but no way to know just yet.

    luckily, visa is AWESOME at catching it and called us after just two transactions, total less than $16, and they will catch them (they said) based on the shipping address and such.. one was local, one was an online purchase. They immediately flagged the account and they were stopped from any other purchases

  5. This is why I only do private label in the candles... I have one store who sells my tumblers for $32.00, and does well with them. (its all in branding, and a cult following, for this particular shop. People are buying a "name" an "aesthetic" and keeping up with the joneses)

    another who sells them for $12.95 and does just as well, not always better. Depends on the season.

    they both pay the same wholesale price.

    I know what works for one business doesnt work for another, but I would not accept someone asking me to raise my prices so that we didnt compete.

  6. You can add more oils for sure. Do you have a stand mixer? You can whip your recipe while it cools, alternate cooling and whipping, that keeps it more fluffy.. to do that I melt my butters until they are soft like butter, then add my oils warm, at about 100*, whip in my stand mixer, and pop it in the fridge for about an hour. Whip again, let sit at room temp and whip every 30 min or so until its coolef (room temp) and it should be nice and fluffy. Even my unrefined shea butter will stay fluffy if it goes through that process.

    I'd start with adding maybe 5% more oils, because you dont want to overdo it.

  7. from their "out of stock items page"

    All Things Pop Mica: The manufacturer has discontinued this product line. We have searched for a suitable replacement and hoped to have good news by March 1, but to no avail. We are discontinuing this item. Of course, we will continue to look for replacements, but please consider the item discontinued.

    looks like its true :( They are what I use too, so I'm sorely dissapointed. This means re-testing everything from my soy wax crayons to my soaps.

    from the same page:

    • If you make color cosmetics, we suggest that you consider replacing the colors with our True Colors (for blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, lemon and apple) and either Patagonia Purple or Amethyst for Grape and Passion Orange for Tangerine. In the meantime we continue to work on sourcing alternatives.
    • If you make soap, we suggest you sit on your hands a tad bit longer. We do have a resource for a similar line of stable, non-bleeding colors and we hope to launch those in about a month.

    kinda hard to "sit on our hands" when we are a business that has orders to fill. Luckily I have a bit of a stash built up, with at least 1oz of each left- but thats not alot. This is really dissapointing.

  8. I dislike doing it, but I do. Singapore, Canada, and Australia are our top ones.

    When you're sending small orders, first class is inexpensive (compared to priority) and seems to take the same amount of time. For larger, heavier items, its a bit of a crap-shoot. I've had candles arrive just SMASHED, which are packaged above and beyond the normal need... they must drop these boxes from 20 feet high! But it occours to me the other day these boxes are being flown, and that they are going through all kinds of scanners, sorting facilities, and belts/trucks... there is SO much potential for being destroyed...

    It makes me nervous. Keep in mind sometimes they have to pay duty on the orders when they clear customs.

    Also keep in mind customs can take two weeks sometimes, sometimes even more!

    But, an order is an order :)

  9. Lavender is one of those scents that tends to blast me out of the room. Personally I use peaks at 6% and it gives my husband a headache when it burts (admittedly hes not a huge fan of lavender to begin with but he complains its too strong).

    I've never seen these locally, we dont have Meyers products on most store shelves here (although I think walmart carries them now?) but I'll have to peek now. Maybe Target?

  10. The recipe didnt work for me either, and I've attempted it multiple times... I'm pretty comfortable with liquid soaps so I assumed I wouldnt have any issues... well, I did, lol.

    Not really sure what went wrong with my batches either, but I had similar results. My soap would never "whip" as shown in the tutorial.

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