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Posts posted by CibariaSoapSupply

  1. Perhaps packaging preferences vary by who you are selling to. I'd advise having your customers taking a small survey (via email, or something you can mail to them), and ask a few questions as to if they'd like to see packaging on their soap, if so, do they like boxes... and so on.

    The uline idea is also a great one. It's very cost efficient.

    Good luck!

  2. Packaging seems to make the product, but I'm noticing when it comes to soap, it's so very different. Unless you're buying something uber high-end, it doesn't seem to go over so well for some reason.

    I love designing the packaging though.

    And, those are cute boxes!

  3. I saw this picture of super-thin leaf soap that I just posted on my blog: blog.cibariasoapsupply.com , and I am wondering how someone make something like that? Do they use tiny little molds?

    I'm brand new to soap making, but I'd love to do intricate things like that!! how cool! And their packaging is so sleek!

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